Chapter 56: Risk

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     The redhead shot him a scowl and Cicero shrugged with a sheepish smile.


    The next day:

     "Aaand done!" the photographer exclaimed after a long photoshoot and Cicero stopped posing.

     With a sigh of relief, Cicero relaxed his stance, feeling the tension in his muscles ease as the photographer signaled the end of the session.

     "Great job, Cicero!" the photographer praised, a smile of satisfaction gracing his features. "You really nailed those shots."

     Cicero returned the smile, a sense of accomplishment coursing through him as he glanced at the digital display on the camera. The images captured his essence perfectly, each frame a testament to his talent and charisma.

     "Thanks, it was a pleasure working with you," Cicero replied, extending a hand to shake the photographer's. "I can't wait to see the final edits."

     As the photographer began packing up his equipment, Cicero checked the time on his watch and realized he was running late to today's group meeting. He packed up his belongings and put on his sunglasses before walking out the sleek, modern building, the afternoon sun casting a golden hue over the bustling city streets.

     Cameras flashed as he emerged, a flurry of activity surrounding him as paparazzi clamored for the perfect shot.

     "Over here, Cicero Sager! Smile for the camera!"

     "Your haircut looks amazing!"

     "I love you!" a fangirl yelled.

     Amidst the chaos, Cicero maintained his composure, his posture relaxed and his smile dazzling. He waved to the crowd, acknowledging their enthusiastic cheers with a gracious nod.

     "Thank you, everyone!" he called out, his voice carrying above the din of the crowd. "I appreciate all the support!"

     As he made his way through the throng of fans, Cicero couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude for their unwavering admiration. The bodyguards next to the expensive, black, car opened the door and Cicero settled into the plush leather seat of the car, he instructed the driver to head towards the park where the group often held their meetings and discussions. Leaning back against the luxurious interior, he couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation building within him.

     As Cicero stepped out of the car, the familiar sight of the park and the faces of his friends greeted him.

     Micheal was the first to speak up as he approached. "Ah, look who it is, Cicero Sager, the man of the hour," he quipped, a playful glint in his eyes.

     Cicero chuckled at Micheal's jest, shaking his head in amusement. "You know it, man," he replied with a grin, feeling a bit bashful.

     "Where did your hair go?" Rehan asked.

      "I got a haircut," Cicero said, running a hand through his hair.

      "Now what are we gonna do? He's not gonna leave any women for us." Micheal groaned and Cicero laughed.

     "Be loyal, hey," Cicero told him and removed his sunglasses, tucking them in the collar of his shirt.

     Zen watched Cicero's interaction with the group, his gaze lingering on the subtle confidence that seemed to exude from his friend with each step. There was something captivating about the way Cicero carried himself, a magnetism that drew people in effortlessly.

QUARTET ALLIANCE: LEND A HAND (Wild Duty & Judgement)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum