Chapter Twelve- Cuffed

Start from the beginning

I saw it, a flash, a second, a mere moment ... but it was there, she saw something, and knew something that worried her.

"You can tell me anything baby" I reminded her, holding her securely. "Tell me what's on your mind. A Mummy's job is to take away your worries"

"I'm not worried" Jupiter replied reassuringly "Leda will be fine Mummy"

She jumped down, and left the room. A whisper slipped from her lips, a whisper I didn't hear, but one that was spoken all the same, purposefully so I wouldn't hear it "I'll just, miss you"

Willow appeared in the doorway "Good evening Andromeda. It is a pleasure to see you so well. My goodness look at that bump" she observed, looking to me with nothing but love and affection.

"Good Evening Willow" I greeted back, struggling to stand from the chair.

Willow came to my aid and assisted me to stand up "You seem deep in thought" she mused "Rowan told me things have been hard, and she warned of the threat. You must know she will do everything in her power to keep the Kingdom safe. You, and these little Princesses are her entire world, and I know it may seem as if she is putting everything above you sometimes, but it isn't so, she has you at the forefront of her mind always"

I ignored all of that and gestured to the doorway that Jupiter had exited through "Has she mentioned anything that's on her mind" I asked. "I know she's been having nightmares, but there's something else, I know it, she's seeing something that she's not telling us about. I wish she wasn't afflicted with the sight. My child is too young to see the things she is seeing, and endure the knowledge of the morrow, before it is done"

Willow nodded, " I wished many times the same thing, but Jupiter sees for a reason, and I think it is paramount to the survival of our race. If she's sees the enemy before he arrives upon our door, than she is always one step ahead of him. Our child is leading the story Andromeda, and if she doesn't like a chapter, she has the ability to change it"

"But she's not even six Willow. She shouldn't have such responsibility"

Willow sighed and wrapped her arm around my shoulders, giving me a reassuring squeeze "A Queen will always be a Queen... from the moment she is born... she leads"

It wasn't fair "Rowan is finding her crown heavy, and she is an adult, my child will surely be crushed by it"

Willow shook her head and smiled "That won't happen Andromeda. Jupiter will rise..."

The Prophecy. The Fae child that shouldn't be. A Queen born to lead them all. Powerful beyond belief.

She will rise.


Jupiter seemed fine for the next hour, she played with Willow whilst I joined in every now and again, laughing and smiling like she hadn't a worry in the world. Perhaps I was being paranoid, and perhaps she was fine after all. I just couldn't help that gnawing sense that something was wrong.

The time came to place the Princesses Crown, and I saw her displeasure at having to wear it. Sycamore had arrived with it on a velvet red pillow, with golden edging "for my Princess" he announced in his squeaky voice.

I considered kicking him out of a window, but the feeling was fleeting as Jupiter hugged him tightly and I saw her love for him had grown. Sycamore to my horror was now my child's most loved friend.

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