Chapter 31

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We step back inside Bree's office and she closes the door behind us, leaning back against it.

"So what's the word?" Eli says. "Was your expert able to give you any insight?"

"Plenty," I say, sitting in the chair beside him. "It's safe to say we know exactly why The Institution is after this ring."

"And why is that?"

"Because," Bree chimes in, "it's supposed to give you the power to take on The Fates."

His eyes shoot wide and his expression drops.

"You're kidding..."

"It only works if you're a god," I add.

"A true Olympian," Bree adds. "Like a full-blooded Cupid."

She gives me a concerned glance.

"You were thinking that too?"

She nods.

"Shit," Eli curses, shaking his head. "And Alvarez was keeping it in his pocket?"

"I doubt they told him what it was," I say. "That's not the kind of thing they want anyone knowing about. They might've sent him to find it without telling him what it is."

"And then we interrupted his night when we lured him out to follow Bree. Good timing on our part I guess. Does that mean you can use it without getting burned?"

"Unfortunately no. Apparently the thing will fry you if you're not a full-blood Cupid or if you aren't in love. Based on what the lady said, we're talking 'true love' too. So I'm out."

Eli tugs his lips to the side and his brows furrow. I can tell he's got something to say but can't decide if he should say it.

"So if that's really the case, doesn't it mean that no one can use it?" Bree asks. "Because if Cupids aren't supposed t-... Wait... Do you think they put that rule in place to stop Cupids from falling in love?"

"Rule?" Eli asks.


I keep forgetting I told her that we couldn't date.

"That Cupids can't date."

Eli shoots me a hard look, and I don't need to read him to deduce exactly what he's thinking. Something along the lines of—how're you gonna handle this one, dumbass?

"It doesn't matter," I say, pushing off the question for another time. "All that matters is that The Fates fear it, and we've got it. Who knows, maybe we can leverage it somehow."

"Of course..." Eli says, eyes narrowed at me.

Okay—so I fuckin' put my foot in it with the 'no dating rule' shit. I will have to sort that out eventually, but I haven't figured out exactly how yet. The judgmental stares aren't fucking helping.

"Anyway, Bree, thank you for your help. It was well worth the price of a couple of museum tickets."

"Oh shoot!" she says, rubbing her forehead. "You guys had to buy tickets? I'm sorry, I totally spaced. I should've left your names at the front."

"No worries, I figured we'd check out the museum while we're here. Gives me an excuse to force Dec to get a little culture."

I give him a suspicious glance. That's the tone of voice he usually uses when he's working a match.

Arrow to the Heart: A Dark Cupid RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now