Chapter 9

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Dec coughs slightly or maybe laughs... or he just swallowed his drink down the wrong pipe. I can't really tell, but based on his reaction, I'm guessing I probably shocked him with the comment about my ex's penis.


I get so comfortable around Dec sometimes that I don't bother censoring myself, but I probably should have. I just rattled off all these personal details about my exes without even thinking about it.

I know you're not supposed to talk about your exes on a date, but this isn't a date. It's lunch. With a friend. Right?

"Sorry, TMI," I say, heat flooding my cheeks. "I uh, forget to shut up sometimes."

"Not at all," he says with a smirk. "I'm actually glad you shared that particular detail."

I laugh.

"Well then, you're definitely talking to the right girl. Rambling and sharing inappropriate details about my life are my special skills."

"That's a good thing. Talking to you... It's not all about pretense. I like that. Makes it easy to get to know you."

"We can't all be mysterious like you," I tease.

"I'm mysterious?" He raises a brow and a smile tugs at the corners of his lips.

"You're not big on sharing much about yourself. I think you let me jabber on because you can learn about me without having to share anything about you."

His eyes widen and I worry I may have offended him, but then he laughs.

"That's probably fair." He takes a sip of his drink and sets it back down. "Okay, what do you want to know about me?"

"Alright, well um... Okay, you know about my exes. What were yours like?"

His brows jump and he gets a bit of a deer-in-the-headlights look.

"Oh. Uh... exes. Yeah. I uh... I don't really have exes. I don't date like that, not seriously."


It stings a little to hear. I guess part of me was hoping that this was a date.


"But didn't you say your ex hated your piercings?" I ask.

"Oh yeah, yeah... that ex. There is that one. That's the only one, though. I already told you about that one." He picks up his drink and takes several long gulps. "That was a long time ago. Let's just say it wasn't a real relationship."

"Ahh. So you're one of those 'I don't do relationships' people?"

Kind of figures. Declan is way too good-looking to settle down with one woman.

"That's probably a good word for it. I've seen what love and infatuation can do to people, and I'm not interested."

"Child of divorce?" I ask. His eyes rise to meet mine and they have a look in them that I can't read, but I feel like I've crossed a line.

Oh my god, Bree. You don't just ask people these things. What is wrong with you?

"Affair, actually," he says.

Now it's my turn to be shocked. Of all the things I thought he would say, that wasn't it. He's never talked about his family before, but I didn't think much of it. Now I'm wondering if it's a sore subject for him.

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