Speaking about the past.

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He arrived home after having tea with Rosie, he lay on his bed thinking about what she said, how he kept thinking about Lucifer and would talk about him, she was about to tell him what it was, but she said that he would have to figure it out on his own. His head was beginning to hurt again, so he grabbed the phone to call Lilith about how the pills weren't working. She said she didn't understand why this was happening and that she would be working on another solution. She told him that he would need to focus on keeping his hunger and emotions under control and that he wouldn't need to go to the lab, but he hadn't gotten any sleep in the past few days because the headaches were so bad.

While with Lucifer, he was upset to hear that Alastor wouldn't be coming to the lab for more days, but then he heard he would be moved to room 5568 again and that would be his room for now, Lilith would take his blood, and give him strange vials, and after he would see Charlie and gain paint supplies and canvas to paint, so it wasn't so bad, just boring.

Alastor was getting ready to go to the lab, he took his meds and ate some breakfast, and he was now in the lab in his office doing paperwork work. He was almost done, and the headaches had gone away, so he sighed with relief. Alastor was about to enter Lucifer's room only to discover that he was not there, nor was any of his belongings, including the bookcase; he was confused, so he returned to the office to see if Lilith had left a note about Lucifer's not being there, he opened the drawers and cabinets only to discover no note, nothing that would explain where Lucifer was; and while thinking what he should do, he received a call from Lilith.

Lilith: "Alastor"

Alastor: "Lilith I was about to call you"

Lilith: "What you miss me"

He remained silent, and Lilith began to giggle before speaking.

Lilith: "I'm just teasing you, you were probably about to ask about test subject 01636( lucifer)right"

Alastor: "Yes"

Lilith: "Well, we moved him to another room, room 5568, and the key is blue, to open it, it is in the cabinet'

Alastor: "Yes"

Lilith: "I got to go the board needs me bye my pet"

She shut up the phone, and Alastor searched in the cabinet where Lilith had told him where the key was. He took it and began moving to the room, arriving at the door and opening it. Lucifer was flying about in his room reading, and Lilith brought the bookshelf because he was bored. Lucifer spotted someone entering and realized it was Alastor, so he flew down.

Lucifer: "Alastor your back "

He opened his hands, suggesting that he wanted a hug.

Alastor: "What"

Lucifer: "Hug this is what humans do when they haven't seen one other in a while

Alastor "I don't do that"

Lucifer: "Oh"

Lucifer grew upset; Alastor sighed, moved closer, and embraced him; Lucifer was happy. Even though he would have attacked anyone who came too close a few months ago, while hugging Lucifer, he noticed that Lucifer was sniffing him. Lucifer noticed something strange, it seemed like Alastor was less human and had a different scent. Alastor stared at him confused.

Alastor: "I suppose you and your daughter have something in common."

Lucifer: "You smell different"

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