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Alastor was lying on his bed, relieved that he didn't have to go to work that day. He was suffering from severe headaches all morning, and the pills weren't helping much. He eventually fell asleep and had a dream about his childhood. The kid version of him was sitting on his mother's lap while she read him a book then it showed that, Suddenly, he woke up to the sound of his parents arguing in the kitchen.

Alastor mom: "Why did you tell him, yes?"

Alastor, father: why would you refuse, This could cure him."

Alastor mom: "And, if it doesn't, what about the side effects and how are you sure it is safe?"

Alastor's father: "You coddled him too much, and look, he told me it was safe."

Alastor mom: I am not letting you do that to my son, that's my final answer."

Alastor father: "He is also my son, therefore I have a say in this."

The argument escalated, and Alastor's mother entered his room, grabbed him up, and lay on the bed, holding him in her arms and whispering that she promised to protect him. It was his last memory of his mother.

When Alastor awoke, he got up and went to the bathroom. He unlocked the cabinet, took the bottle, gulped some more pills, he looked in the mirror to see that his eyes and hair had turned a dark red color. After a few hours, his hair and eyes returned to normal, and his headache disappeared. Alastor then occupied himself by carving a piece of wood, something he learned to get his mind off things. while carving, he was thinking about Lucifer and ended up carving a duck, which irritated him. So he quickly departed to visit his close buddy Rosise, because staying at home would just make him think about the bothersome Lucifer.

Meanwhile, with lucifer

Lucifer lay on his bed all day; usually, he would annoy Alastor, but he was on his day off, so he got up and went to the bookcase to pass the time. He grabbed a cheesy romance novel and began reading it until he saw the door open, at which point he hid the book under so Alastor wouldn't see him reading and turned his head.

Lucifer: "Alastor, wh-" He paused the instant he saw her.

Lilith: "Lucifer"

Lucifer: "Why are you here?"

Lilith: "I am here to bring you into a special room."

Lucifer: "Can't you do whatever you're going to do in that room here?"

Lilith: "No, I don't want this room covered in blood, but let's just go."

Guards arrived with armor and removed Lucifer's chains, only to replace them with another set of chains. Lucifer was brought through a hallway until he arrived at a room with the number 5568. When he entered, the room was rather large, but it had a transparent glass mirror in it, so it was sliced in half. He sat in one of the corners while the soldiers unchained him and left. He was only there for 20 minutes, but it felt like an hour to Lucifer.

Lucifer: You could have brought my book,...this is so boring.

Lucifer flew about the room since there was nothing else to do, and when the scientists returned with syringes, his eyes got crimson red, and his horns and tail flared out at the sight of it; he was about to attack the scientist. Lilith went in front of the person.

Lilith: "Stop"

Lucifer: "Lilith "

Lilith: If you let them take your blood, I will make sure you won't have to go to the special test anymore and..."

Lucifer: "And what?"

Lilith: "I will allow you to see Charlie."

Lucifer: "Yeah, right, liar."

Lilith: "I promise, okay, you know I never break my promises."

Lucifer: "Fine"

He put away his horns and his eyes turned back to blue. The scientist got closer, examined him, and took some of his blood. He hated every moment. He didn't like anyone being close, except Alastor. He didn't know why, but he was okay with him. When the person was done, they got up and Lilith left the room as well.

After twenty more minutes, he saw the door on the other side of the glass mirror open. The scientist was holding his baby girl, Charlie. He flew down next to the mirror. The scientist put her down, and Charlie spotted her father. She ran over to the mirror. Even though she had not seen him in years, she could still tell who her father was, probably due to the fact Alastor told her what he looked like.

Lucifer: "Charlie"

Charlie: "papa"

Lilith entered the room with Lucifer.

Lilith: "You have an hour, alright."

She left the room right after saying that, leaving them alone. Lucifer was so happy, that he had tears in his eyes. Charlie told him her favorite animals and food while he just listened. He loved every moment. But the conversation switched to her talking about Alastor. Lucifer felt jealous of how she talked about him, but he also felt happy that his daughter had him even when he couldn't be there. She asked him what he thought about Alastor. He told her that he was an annoying person but nice. They continued talking about Alastor until Lilith came back to pick up Charlie to take her back to her room. Meanwhile, the guards went to chain up Lucifer and put him in his room. 

Lucifer lay on his bed, so happy that he had seen his daughter after so many years. But when Alastor sees him tomorrow, he is going to tell him that he met his daughter. For some reason, he felt excited at the thought of telling Alastor. He grabbed the book he had hidden underneath his pillow and resumed reading where he had left off since he wanted to finish before Alastor arrived to visit him.

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter🥰😊

word count:967

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