corpses in congress

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My body my choice what a fucking joke
Politicians say anything to get your vote
Can't solve the things we need to fix
Racism, sexism to them are tricks

If it don't effect them, they'll do nothing
Unless you scare them into something
They sit on there ass and don't do shit
When will it end I'm sick of it!!!

Corpses in Congress
Over 100 years old
Corpses in Congress
Only do as there told
Corpses in Congress
Living the old way
Corpses in Congress
Soon will decay

They don't listen just fall asleep
After 60 plus years they start to stink
Walking zombies and withered bones
30% older than my home

Living through wars and segregation
Old fucks like you ruin our nation
Passing bills that don't make sense
Can't tell if your senile or ignorant

Corpses in Congress
Over 100 years old
Corpses in Congress
Only do as there told
Corpses in Congress
Living the old way
Corpses in Congress
Soon will decay

poems of the pastDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora