riot for the homeless

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If this is the land of the free
Why the fuck should I have to ask
I wanna try to better my community
But can't till a law is passed

I wanna make a difference
But no one wants a change
Why look at me like I'm crazy
When I give a man my change

So what if I wanna feed the homeless
What if I wanna change the world
Why is it your fucking business
Why is your head so swirled

You say we can only help 50
When there's really so much more
Your not with but against us
Can you tell me what for?!

Why are your people dying
You don't help even if there trying
You ignore there cry's and sit on your ass
Why wont help but only hurt
Instead of scraps you feed them dirt
You could care less about the low low class

Now there's protests in the streets
But you can't be bothered
Doesn't matter who eats
Cause they'll soon be slaughterd

If you don't work for a living
To them you are just useless
If they can't feed the machine
Then they will just abuse us

You always ask what's in it for me
Even though its a basic human right
You never intervene till eventually
You know that we're gonna stand up and fight

Why are your people dying
You don't help even though there trying
You ignore there cry's and sit on your ass
Why not help but you only hurt
Instead of scraps you feed them dirt
You could care less about the low low class

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