Chapter 8: Hell let loose

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At the far distance of Y/n's hometown, there was a shadow figure. Smirking as behind him were demons, trolls and etc. The figure was then eyeing a certain gold haired female who was chatting with other girls.

"You will be mine again" The figure said in a distorted voice as he lets the troops run in and raid the village.

The poor unfortunate soul who watched the horde of monsters coming was an old man. He couldn't do much as a bird like monster swoop him up and flew him away. That is when the guards took notice as they ready themselves and charges into defend off the monsters.

There were a few soldiers that stayed back and tried their best to escort them out the area. Unfortunately, a few goblins snuck past the war and ambush the other guards, killing them one by one.

Now with no one left to protect them, the goblins were free to do whatever they like to the villagers. Or so they thought


A loud gunshot was heard as one of the goblin fell to the floor. The cause came from the barrel of a gun that shot the bullet that killed the first goblin.

The goblin angrily turns around and sees Rei with her gun pointing at them and Ashe who was beside her. One of the goblin angrily charges but was then stabbed in the back. Looking down as the goblin sees a sharp sword piercing their back. The sword immediately pulls back as the goblin falls and Lihan was the perpetrator.

Quickly turning around and cutting down the goblin that jumped at him and tries to attack him. He dodges in time as he cuts the goblin's head off

"Be careful Lihan!" Ashe calls as she summons a fireball and fires at the group of charging goblin. With that simple fireball, it manages to kill the group that was charging at them.

Lihan smiles as he wipes the blood of his sword and stand in between his sister's side "I can handle myself"

Rei reloads her gun as there was another wave of goblins coming. Ashe and Lihan stands next to Rei as they prepare their assault

(Don't worry. That 'part' with the goblins is not going to happen here)

Meanwhile on the otherside of town Lisa and Soara were helping and defending the villagers. Helping out and protecting them from the monsters attack

"Where is Toru, Y/n and Nei?!" Soara asked as she was healing one of the injured civilians

Lisa was holding up a forcefield as she was keeping the monsters out. "I have no clue!" Lisa responds as she was trying to focus. If she broke her focus then they will all die.

We already knew where Nei is at but when he she saw smoke from the distance, she immediately went running

"No no no!" Nei was panicking. Who wouldn't? There is black smoke in the distance and its in the direction of her hometown

Back with Y/n

While he was having a calm chat with Harry and Miria, minus Alex since he was only thinking of perverted stuff, Y/n then notices the smoke in the distance

His eyes widen as he the other three took notice of the smoke. Immediately sensing something is wrong

"Oh no! Hurry!" Harry was the first one to run as Alex also started running. Miria and Y/n follows along after

Back at the village

Toru was fighting off the hordes of monsters that were coming his way. He couldn't find anybody as he was all alone.

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