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Liam stepped foot on the bus and was struck by the most electric-booming bolt of lust he'd ever felt in his teenage life.

A girl (short and sweet like a blueberry muffin) was perfectly planted on his seat like a beautiful velvet rose. Her soft glossy lips looked like they were glazed with sweet nectar, she laced the whole vehicle with her blissful lavender scent hopelessly subduing poor Liam's nerves like a mighty army.

The point is: she was hot. And Liam had quickly calculated and concluded that he was in fact in love.

There was no other explanation.

Each day of school may've been purgatory on steroids, but when his mind reminded him of how divinely blessed he was to behold her presence during the bus ride home: fireworks like marvellous nebulas burst in his head.

(he was quite horny).

Every time her image graced his eyes, he found himself in a furious storm of emotions raging rampantly in his head like a feral animal. Whenever she looked at him with those gorgeously clear eyes he would be paralysed by a strikingly stunning bolt of awe.

So he made it his solemn duty to discover more about her. Every man must get to know his future darling right, guys? Right?

"Hey, what's up? I'm Liam, what's your name?"

The girl delicately smiled, melting Liam's heart with furious flames of...desire.

(Please get a grip)

"Osmonomium Opus,"

"Okay...a genuinely insane name but who am I to judge?" Liam mused. So each day, Liam would get on the school bus with hormones infesting his head like a crazy swarm of wasps. Where did she live? When was her birthday? How old was she? Her favourite food? Show? All questions that he would ask her.

Needless to say, he was addicted to her company.


He was addicted to her. He yearned for her. If he was told to sell his phone, laptop and maybe even his dog just to spend more time with her: he would consider it. She seemed to enjoy his company too. Smiling, giggling and engaging in their talks freely.

Anyway, one day she vanished from the bus. Completely disappeared. Maybe she turned invisible...

Liam lost his mind. His heart sunk deep down the depths of his body, drowned by a sea of sorrow and suffering.

Why had she left the bus? Why had she left him?

Who gave her the right to leave without his permission?

Listen, this guy was pretty sad, you see? You have to understand: the potential sun of his universe-the one who could've been the queen of his heart had left him!

So he did what any king who'd just lost his queen would do...

One day, he was chilling in class during break; chowing his seedless pomegranate and tomato yoghurt when you-know-who. When their eyes locked, something possessed Liam. He flew out the door and grabbed her hand with an orangutan's grip before flying her to Mars in his spaceship.

(That's not what actually happened)

You see, what really happened was that Liam passed out when he saw her; his excitement broke through the natural limits of what the human body is capable of containing. So the Mars thing was just a dream he had while he was unconscious. When his consciousness returned, he was in the infirmary. He felt like he was on a different planet. Liam sat up on the bed and contemplated what the heck he was doing.

1. This girl didn't even know he liked her.

2. She'd disrespected him by leaving the bus without his permission. Okay, maybe he was losing it a bit-but he didn't care, he was in LOVE!

So when he left the room, he had a plan.

He called her over from a distance, but for some reason, when she got close to him and stared him in his eyes he felt...dizzy. The world became clouded in blackness and before he knew it: he whited out. Or is it blacked out...?

Okay, so google says its blacked out. You actually white out before you black out, but bottom line is: he blacked out.

When his consciousness returned, he was in the infirmary.

What exactly was going on here?

Liam's brain twisted and contorted, performing all sorts of flips and spins trying to figure out why he was fainting whenever he saw...her.

When he got back home, he rang up his friend.

"Dude, I've been telling you: stop starving for this girl. You don't even talk to her like that. I'm telling you, your mind is playing with you," he said.

"But she's the one! I'm telling you! The fainting thing was probably just me. There's no way my dear darling baby girl would ever be at fault," Liam told him, fire burning in his voice.

"Whatever, bro. You know her better than me. I don't even know her name,"

True love, guys.

The next day, Liam walked up to this girl.

"Hey, it's been a while..." he said.

The girl looked at him with fiery acid-green eyes.

"Indeed it has...Liam,"

"Yeah, I'm glad we can finally speak-I've got so much in store to tell you, but first...why'd you leave the bus, Osmonomium?"

A massive smile crept onto the girl's face like a spider and Liam's ears were overwhelmed by a tsunami of strange giggles.

"Osmonomium Opus? That's not my name. That's the name of the curse I laid on you when you looked into my eyes for the first time! Don't you know I'm a witch? Ahahaha! Haven't you seen my eyes, you idiot?"

Then she blew black dust in his face.

And he died.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 26 ⏰

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