Short Story 2: Bake Off

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1 Days before The Old Satan Faction invaded the Underworld...

The ORC members were in the clubhouse; it was midday, and Rias called in, calling her club members for an announcement.

"Everyone! Today, we are having a bake-off!" Rias announces, her voice filled with pride and excitement.

Everyone in the club was awed and excited by the announcement, except for Issei, who was his usual impassive self.

"A bake-off, huh? How Interesting", he mused to himself as his eyes travelled to each person, his eyes scanning for each person's reaction; his eyes then landed back on Rias, who was about to make another announcement.

"We'll be using the cooking club's kitchen for the bake-off.", Rias says. "How this will work is that we are going to work in pairs; each pair needs to make one milkshake and one cake. The pair can decide what type of milkshake and cake they want to make", she explains.

At the mention of working in pairs, the girls of the club eye's darted to one person, Issei. They hope that in working with Issei, they can repair their strained relationship with him; he hasn't outright accepted their apologies either; he was just dismissive towards it.

Issei, seemingly feeling the eyes on him and assuming the common thought, could only sigh internally. "The only person I'm comfortable working with is Ravel," he says to himself as he glances at Ravel, the only one in the club with whom he didn't have a bad relationship.

Asia, curious about how the pairs will be decided, raises her hand, "President? How will the pairs be decided?" she asks Rias.

At this, Rias smiles, but there is a hint of a smug undertone in the smile, "Well, Asia," she starts as she slides over a coffee mug from the side of her desk in front of her. "In this mug are papers filled with each of our names; I will pull out two papers, and whoever those two get to become a pair", she smiles, the smug smile never leaving her face.

In response, Asia nods in understanding, "I hope to be in a pair with Issei..." she thinks to herself as she sneaks a quick glance at Issei.

Rias then puts her hand in the mug and pulls out two papers; she opens the papers and reveals the names, "Well, call it luck; it seems that both me and Issei are a pair", she says with a smile.

Everyone's eyes widen in shock, except for Issei, who narrows his eyes, "She clearly manipulated the drawing process to end up with me", he thinks to himself.

Akeno, who was on the same train of thought as Issei, moved from the side and tried to look into the mug. Rias, however, covered the mouth of the mug with her palm.

"Akeno, what are you doing?" Rias asks in an urgent tone as she tries to hide the mug from Akeno.

Akeno, with a frown, responds, "Rias, we all know you manipulated the drawing process to end up with Issei," in a teasing yet suspicious tone.

Rias's face goes red as her hair as she refutes, "I don't know what you're talking about!" she denies, trying to hide her tactic.

Koneko, who sneaked up from the other side, snatches the mug from Rias's hand. Rias tries to take it back; however, Koneko is quick enough to move away.

Getting angered, Rias shouts, "Koneko! Give that back!"

Koneko looks into the mug and pulls out a shot glass, "She must've put hers and Issei's name in this shot glass in advance so that she can be in a pair with him." she explains in her stoic tone, showing everyone the shot glass.

Rias, now thoroughly embarrassed, attempted to salvage the situation. "Okay, fine, you caught me," she admitted, her cheeks flushing deeper. "But come on, isn't it more fun this way? Besides, Issei and I make a great team!" she exclaimed, looking towards Issei for a response, but all she gets is an eye roll.

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