Chapter six:seeing is believing

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"Our heating plant uses energy supplied by nuclear reactor. And thanks to which we produce thousands megawatts of electrical power. Here we have the cooling tower, this is the turbine, the alternator and finally the reactor." The teacher said and mike the long haired boy with a poiny tail yawned.

"This plant is the most powerful in the world,as chief engineer, im particularly concerned with safty. And to guarantee the safty security measures have been applied,that every level of production, the plants design,its functioning, and problem phases. We call this combination of safty measures in depth defense."he said

Arielle and jeremy were taking down notes and odd was drawing kiwi like he usually  does when he's bored,ulrich was looking out side and some birds flew over. Sissi was reading her magazine  like always.

"I'll be glad too answer any questions."he said

Then jeremy raised  his hand.

"Uh sir."he said.

"Yes  go on Jeremy."mrs hertz said.

"Id like to know if an atomic process exists for fusing virtual particles and materializing them in the real world."he said holding his paper.

Arielle and odd smirked. Thinking of aelita. The teacher didn't agree with him. 

"Hhmm-mmm."the teacher said and pushed his glasses up. "Son, that is in the realm of science fiction. Sorry."he said

"Jeremy is an excellent student but he's a bit of a dreamer."Mrs hertz said and jeremy sat down and  frowned putting his head in his hands. The class laughed. Herb giggled and sissi smirked. Odd and arielle looked back at them and glared. Sissi and herb just glared back. Odd and arielle turned back.

Then the camera short circuit  and Mrs hertz tried to get it back on again.

Odd,jeremy and arielle looked at it.

"Well,this never happend before..I'm sure it's nothing just a blown Fuze."she said and jeremy looked at odd and then arielle and they shrugged.

Class was over.

"And im saying is that maybe xana is behind  this."he said as they were walking out the door.

"Don't get so excited was just a short circuit."odd said and they walked up to yumi. She nodded. Arielle nodded too.

"Odd,I've thought it over and you can form your group,the foxtrot fanatics."Mr delmas said and odd smiled.

"It's the pop rock progressive  sir."Yumi said and arielle nodded.

"But it must be open to anyone who wishes to play is that clear?"he said and odd nodded with everyone.

"No problemo,sir."odd said and  delmas walked away and then odd got down on the ground. "Yes..let's hear it for the god of rock and roll."he said and arielle  giggled. Everyone smiled.

She pretended to be a fan. "Whoo~~~"she said and he smirked and rubbed his fingers  on his shirt and  blew them. Arielle rolled her eyes. "Dork."she said and smiled. He smiled too. 

"You in?"ulrich said and jeremy declined. "I'm not into rock.. besides I wanna check out that outage."he said walking away.

"Okay see ya later jeremy."Yumi said,


"Hi.. is everything  okay?"aelita said but jeremy couldn't  hear her.

He typed in a few things.

"You know if you have a problem you can always talk to me about it."she said

"Why can't I hear anything?"he said and typed some more.

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