Chapter five:its time

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*picture is not mine. ^^


Arielle was walking to her class but than spotted the gang and she walked over to them.

"Hello"she said with a smile.

Ulrich,yumi,odd and jeremy:"hello"

"You're in a really good mood.. what's the occasion?"yumi said and arielle smiled.

"I have a project today..I'm headed to the computer room to analize it."arielle said than for got odd was there,he smiled at her.

"That's terrific ari."odd said and she smiled and softly told him thank you. With blushed cheeks.

"Maybe I could be your project instead."he said and winked.

She looked at her books and hid in her hair.

"Cut it out man."ulrich said and slapped his head.

"Oww. What?"he said and looked at ulrich.

"Don't embarrass her anymore,you're a pain enough as it is."ulrich said making odd glare at him.

"What? a good looking guy like me..who wouldn't love me?"odd said with a smirk.

'Exactly..'Arielle thought.

"All the girls you've dated.."Ulrich said and odd hummed in disapproval.

Arielle's heart broke. She didn't think of that when he moved here. Now she knows the truth. He'd never love her. He's only seen her as a friend. her whole world shattered.

Her best friend,the only guy she ever thought of and would date has dated many girls.

She now knew she would never be in his heart.

"Um.. I have to go. See ya around."arielle said and walked off. But than stopped

"Oh hey jeremy.. mind helping me with my project? I could use another brain."she said and jeremy smiled.

"Sure I'd love too,bye guys."He said and ran to her and they walked to the computer room.

"Nice going."Yumi said to ulrich. He raised his eye brows.

"What?"He said and yumi rolled her eyes.

"It's just that-"yumi was about to say but realized odd was there than looked at ulrich again. "It's nothing.. you wouldn't understand.. see ya later."she said and walked off.

Ulrich and odd just looked at each other than at yumi walking away.

"What's her problem?"odd said and had his hands on his hips.

"Don't's a girl thing.. come on we'll be late for class."ulrich said and walked off.

"I just don't understand stand girls."odd said and walked off catching up to ulrich.

As the teacher was teaching. Ulrich and odd was discussing why yumi blew up on him like that.

"Why did she yell at me like that?"ulrich said and odd shook his head.

"I don't know..probably because she's protective of arielle."odd said and ulrich raised his eye brow. "Yeah that could be it... but she seemed to tell me something but paused when she realized you were there."he said and odd frowned. "She's never done that to me you think she likes me?"he said and ulrich got defensive.

"What? No you're crazy."he said and odd just frowned at him.

"What's with you? I was just kidding."he said and ulrich just shrugged it off and payed attention. Odd just shrugged and started drawing and then he got into trouble, he rubbed his head with a smile. "Yes ma'am."he said,

Odd Della robbia|| the girl of my dreams Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang