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Chapter 11

The trio was eating food, making sure to save some for the rest of their days, Bloom already finished his, but was still hungry. But forced himself not to eat more, Divided saw this and felt bad, he then gave his food to Bloom with no hesitation, Bloom was suprised and asked.

Bloom: "Dude i already ate, why are you giving this to me??"

Divided: "i just want to, besides its obvious that your still hungry."

Bloom: "Divided im fine, i already ate."

Divided: "take it or im shoving it in your mouth."


Bloom hesitantly took the food and took a bite out of it, Divided just watched him eat, Dyso was staring at the two, processing on what the two we're doing.

( Time skip to around sun down )

The trio just sit in the living room doing absolutely nothing, Bloom was just sitting next to Divided, While dyso was sitting in a different chair, scrolling through his phone gallery. As they were minding their own business, they heard a loud bang in the pantry, the trio heard it and we're confused and a little bit scared, so they brang their weapons and went to go check it out.

They walk to the pantry, and open it. They then see..

Writers note:
Hello! Sorry for not giving you guys more chapters, i almost forgot about this lol,, but hoped you enjoyed ^^ showed a lot of divided and bloom interaction in this chapter cus i felt like it lol

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