Stalked by the Undead.

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The trio arrived at the grocery store, grabbing anything they need, they all split into 1 to make this procedure faster. Halo on the other hand went to the back door of the grocery store, she didn't really have a problem on hiding since the zombies know shes already.. Undead.
Bloom was at the canned foods section, grabbing as much stuff as he can and putting it in his bag, once he was done he walked out of the isle and saw dyso waiting for him and divided, Dyso and Bloom was waiting for Divided now.

Divided was at the storage room finding if there was anything, He then felt like something was.. lurking around in the same room as him. He felt uncomfortable but kept looking, once he was done, he walked out of the room and saw the two standing outside the isles, the three then walk out the grocery store with.. uh... cautious-ness.

Halo was following them from behind, basically stalking them, ( guess the three aren't so cautious now!! Haha jm so funny ), they arrive back at the house and blocked the door with furniture and stuff. Since they were too lazy to board it up over and over again, they then placed their food that they brought to the kitchen counter,Halo got in the house surprisingly and hid in a closet, staying there as much as she wants to, until she could finally plan a comeback at them.

Writer's note:

Hello !! Writer here, I've been losing my ideas so can you guys give some suggestions for next chapter? This one might've been boring so im very sorry ab that.. anyways! Thankz for reading and i hope you have a nice day!!

( DBD ) Zombie Apocalypse. ★ ( FINISHED )जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें