31. Will we ever have it easy?

Start from the beginning

"Fuck no!" Nimit's tone is rough, ruthless. "You are mine, Aisha. I told you that yesterday and I meant it. You are stuck with me. Last night was definitely NOT a one-time thing. It's going to happen again and again and again and again until one of us is dead."

I catch his heated gaze, the grim determination warms my heart and kills the doubts lurking in my mind. "Is that a proposal?"

Nimit shakes his head. "You'll know when I propose."

When... not if. Oh, my sweet heavens!

"So what do I do now?"

Nimit comes closer, wrapping his arms around me and pressing a lingering kiss on my forehead. "Give me some time. I need to sort this out. I can't protect you if I am in danger, Aisha. And these people, if they come to know how important you are to me... they'll use you to get to me and I cannot have that. You are far too vital for my sanity to get dragged into this. if something happens to you..."

The words hang in the air and he doesn't need to complete the sentence because I understand it. it's exactly how I feel about him.

If something happens to him... I'll kill the person who hurt him and then go crazy, struggling between living and dying.

Nimit rubs my upper arms, spreading warmth and comfort. "I am going to find out where my Uncle is hiding and I am going to end this once and for all. Then, we are going to find out who your stalker is and what really happened to your mother."

I close my eyes, resting my forehead on his chest, listening to the steady beating of his heart. "Will we ever have it easy?"

"Probably no. Because after all of this, we still need to talk to your father about us."

I intertwine my fingers with his, letting his hand swallow mine and provide the solace I desperately crave. "But we are in this together?"

"Every step of the way." He wraps his arms around my body and I feel myself melting into him, our bodies fitting together perfectly like two pieces of a puzzle.

His embrace is firm yet gentle as if he's afraid to break me yet afraid to let me slip away. I stand on my toes and bury my face into the crook of his neck, inhaling his scent, memorizing the feel of his skin against mine. And despite all that is yet to come, I know that everything will be okay. No matter what challenges lie ahead, as long as we have each other, we can survive any storm.



I smile apologetically at Greg who doesn't return the smile. I can only imagine the trouble he must have gotten for losing me in a café. But Jace was the one who subtly suggested me to run away and Nimit was the one I went to – so both of his bosses shouldn't be too hard on him. My father... that's another issue.

"I am sorry about running off like that," I mutter as I pass him my peace offering – a coffee with no sugar and no milk. Yuck.

He accepts the coffee and takes a sip, sighing with respite at the taste. His reaction makes me frown in concern. How can anyone drink that swill? I can't even digest the stink.

His shoulders relax and I take a long sip of my sweet hazelnut latte. He looks at me. "Please don't do it again. I don't want to be fired and your father, he can be very -"

I smile sheepishly. "I know how he can be. I'll handle it, don't worry. I already told him that I was with Sania and we had gone camping in an area with low range."

"Excuse me." Someone says from behind me and within seconds, Greg is on his feet, his gun pointed at the person. I turn around to see a young woman standing with wide eyes, staring in horror at the barrel of the gun.

She looks to be around 18 or 19 years old. Her chestnut hair cascades down in loose waves, framing her heart-shaped face and something about her feels oddly familiar. She shifts her weight from one foot to the other, anxiously looking at me and Greg as if she's fighting inner turmoil.

I tap Greg's arm, motioning him to lower the gun. After a reluctant pause, he does it. I smile at the young girl, she's dressed in plain blue jeans and a pink frill top. Her white shoes are dirty around the side and her nails are broken and bitten. At first glance, she looks elegant but at closer inspection, it seems that she's faking her fortune. A range of questions swims in my mind as I smile at her. "Hello, how can I help you?"

She licks her pink lips, smudging the lipstick a little. "You are Aisha Mehta, aren't you?"

Greg stiffens, his hand still locked onto the gun, ready to fire or tackle her to the ground if needed.

"I am." I nod, my curiosity peaked. "And you are?"

"I am Lena Simmons."

I rack my brain for any similarity or connection with the name but come up empty. I have never heard of her. "What brings you to me?"

Her shoulders stiffen and she lifts her chin, eyes blazing with untamed determination. "We need to talk. I am your half-sister."


Oh yeah, half-sister... lots of questions going to be answered soon.

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Love ya!

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