The Curse of David Bowie

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Panic could be felt in the small room that served as a meeting room. Sirius was pacing back and forth, Remus was in a chair with his head down, and Olivia was leaning against the wall. Alastor was playing the drums with his fingers on the wooden table and Olivia would have already hexed him to make him stop if he wasn't so scary.

She thanks heaven when footsteps are heard and the twins, Harry, Ron, Giny followed by Tonks and Charlie enter. Everyone has a worried face but Harry's is completely different; he looks terrified. It makes Olivia shivers.

Olivia quickly hugs the twins, trying as best she can to reassure them. She also hugs Tonks and follows the purple hair with her gaze while the witch instantly goes towards Remus whom she embraces. Olivia feels her stomach turn but decides to ignore it. She nods to Charlie, having never mentioned his behavior in the kitchen last time again.

"Any news?" Sirius asks, hands on Harry's shoulders.

"He's going to be okay," Charlie announces, his voice clear and precise. "Mom is with him at St-Mungo."

A wave of relief is heard and everyone's shoulders seem to drop.

Olivia was surprised at how much she cared about the members of the Order now. Yes, it was Arthur Weasley, who she knew more than well by now, but she figured she would feel the same way about any other person.

It was new for her, caring for so many people at once, but she wasn't against it.

"You're going to stay here for Christmas, okay?" Sirius asks Harry, but everyone knew that wasn't really a question that needed an answer. "Come on, you need to sleep."

"Come Giny, you're going to sleep with me," Olivia says, taking the redhead by the hand. The latter smiles while trying to chase away the tears from her cheeks.

"Why don't I get the chance to sleep with Olivia?"

Olivia rolls her eyes and she can't stop a smile from lifting her lips as she hears everyone sigh.

"Your father is in the hospital for God's sake Weasley!" replied the brunette, going up the stairs.

"Just wanted to lighten the mood"! Fred responds by raising his hands in the air.

Olivia closes the door behind her and watches as Giny observes the room.

"Here, take my bed, I made the sheets earlier while waiting for you '' Olivia tells her.

"But where are you going to sleep?"

"Don't worry about me," she replies before sitting next to her on the bed, trying to smile as honestly as possible. "Get some sleep, tomorrow you will go see your father, ok?"

She nods and Olivia squeezes her hand before disappearing and turning off the light. Closing the door, she leans against it and sighs. She was genuinely worried about Arthur and everything that was happening.

The return of Voldemort was becoming more and more palpable and she couldn't help but think of Mona and Roger. What was he doing at the moment? Was he safe?

She knew that Mona and Diane stayed at home, but she responded less and less to her letters.

She hated the fact that the Order, being the only way for her to help them, blocked her from doing this.

She eventually went down the stairs and settled into the living room couch, grabbing a book from the coffee table. The fireplace is still crackling. It only takes a few lines for Olivia to fall asleep, exhausted by the events of the evening.

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