Chapter - 19: It's Finally Time (PART - A)

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He was initially shocked that he was going through the same. When Divyanka ran him through the symptoms, he could see how right she was. They discussed in detail, all the symptoms and the incidences that made them see those symptoms. 

Divyanka gave a detailed overview of what may have been the reason behind him suffering from this condition. Even they seem to align with the narrative. Abhimanyu had to accept that he was indeed a victim of Stockholm Syndrome after analyzing everything logically. 

Divyanka was super relieved when she saw that acceptance on his face. That was one step done right in the process of healing. When she gave out all the options they had to initiate the process of healing, she was surprised by how composed and how determined Abhimanyu looked. 

He was already aware about the condition in general and had very gracefully accepted that he is indeed a victim of that. Abhimanyu discussed and reasoned but never for once denied or acted difficult. Maybe it was all because he has seen his mother deal with it or maybe because .........


Divyanka didn't have a particular reason but Dr.Abhimanyu Birla amazed her. She originally planned on taking an elaborate route of making him dissect his behaviour and let him figure out on his own. But just one look at his body language, she knew that he could take it. 

She knew that he respected her enough to sit through her explanation and he is decent enough to not react condescendingly. He earned her trust in such a short span and that actually made things a lot easier. 

They decided to avoid the support group option until and unless it becomes extremely necessary. They decided on arranging a session with a specialist in this area to help ease him into healing process. The rest everything was something Abhimanyu had to put into practice. Divyanka could only guide. 

She motivated him to keep pushing through and always rely on his trusted mates to help him out. On that note, Abhimanyu was surprised to know that Divyanka already spoke to Neil and Rohan before talking to him. To her luck, he didn't take offense. 

Abhimanyu was super grateful that they loved him enough to keep this from him. He could now very well connect the dots after knowing the truth. Neil's condition that night and Rohan's unavailability, everything made sense. Neil has been avoiding him ever since so that he doesn't risk spilling the truth. He shook his head fondly as he recollected.

Divyanka couldn't help asking him the reason behind his calm demeanor. She wanted to know if he was actually putting up a face or the calmness on his face was indeed genuine. Well! His answer took her by surprise. 

In no clear words he told her that he has always been in a dilemma about his behaviour when it came to Akshara. He lived with that for years and it eventually became a part of him. Until his family effectively pointed it out, he didn't see it as something problematic that he needs to work on. 

Abhimanyu just thought of it as hurt and bitterness or emotions overriding his senses. But ever since he realized that it was something that needed a solution, he has been raking his brain over it. He couldn't find anything very concrete to explain himself. And Divyanka's theory just fit in perfectly like a missing piece of a jigsaw puzzle. 

The Birlas' - BHAVANAOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora