Introducing T.I.D.A.

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Dorellon and Coheeh sat with each other in Dorellon's house. Dorellon seemed a bit jittery, like he had somewhere to go. "Hey Coheeh, maybe you're actually capable enough to take care of the house for a bit?"
"You're gonna' leave me here?"
"No, I'll just be taking a little-"
"You're gonna' leave me here."
"Fine, you can come!"

Dorellon then led Coheeh out to a "town club" which was actually a secret lair/meeting spot for what Dorellon called "The Interior Design Advocates" or "TIDA", they were a bunch of people Dorellon's age who sought for better interior design for homes and buildings. TIDA wanted to prove that Deeson homes could be prettier on the inside to make up for the needed lack of detail on the outside.

TIDA was getting ready to do a protest, and Coheeh agreed to do it with them if he could get back to Dorellon's house before his kids got back from school. The deal was set.

Just for your information, TIDA isn't an actual spelt out acronym, it is just the first sound of each word combined. There is no written acronyms in the Deeson language, it is impossible for the way the language is structured is not built for it.

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