Chapter 5: Mr Cold

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Zayyan's pov :

Reyansh and Aryan were preparing for the dance battle between them and the bride's best friend. I chose not to indulge in the petty matter and decided to be a watcher. Aryan was giving himself and I quote ¨Final touch ups¨ as he said.  As i was watching them , my mind drifted back in the store room

Flashback ~

¨Yes yes , did you find anything about her family or close ones? ¨ I heard someone say as i was coming out of the changing room after wearing a new kurta all thanks to that sweetheart.

The person was speaking to someone on the phone while having his back to me due to which i could not see his face but he seemed suspicious.

¨It's been four years and you still haven't found anything ?¨ The man shouted on the phone and I hid in the store room when he turned to look back.

What four years is . Who is he? Whose family does he want to find? Usually I wouldn't bother myself with people but something in my gut said , It's important to me.

As I was figuring out if he's someone I know , I saw sweetheart coming out of the store room. I didn't even notice she was here. She was just gonna step outside and alarm whoever was talking, when I grabbed her by her arm while putting my other hand over her mouth to stop her from screaming. Not that i cared what the person did to her, she can die for all i care. There would be less burden on earth then but I still wanted to listen to the person. Said sweetheart,  bit my hand so harshly that I could feel my flesh cutting. What's with her and biting people. 

Flashback end.

Who was that guy and whose family was he talking about? This lack of information was gnawing at me.

"Zayyan!" Aryan snapped his fingers in front of me, bringing me back to reality. I gave him a raised eyebrow to which he said

"Are you lost in my beauty ?" He asked with a smirk on his face. 

"Fuck off"

"You did not deny it, that means you were lost in my beauty " He said and blew a kiss in my direction.

 Why are these creatures so annoying.

What was I thinking when befriending them?

Aryan and Reyansh went to the stage followed by kabir. They were going to battle against the bride's best friends in the last round to determine who won the challenge as it was a tie up till now.

Soon the lights dimmed and everyone climbed up the stage except me and some girl who I assume is one of the brides best friends. 

The lights got focused on both sides where the dance battle was about to happen and I saw sweetheart standing in between 2 other girls.

Oh!, so she's one of the bride's best friends. 

I kept this information in the back of my head for future use if need to be. 

Noor's pov :

Of Course we won the last battle against Kabir jiju's bestfriends. The creep who was staring at Ariyah and Mr I'm too much up in my ass were also his friends. Jiju has weird friends, that's for sure.

I went towards the stage where Zoya was sitting. She looked a shade paler after the dance battle. Did she not like the dance moves ? What happened ?

¨Hey janeman!¨ I said to her, blowing a kiss while sitting beside her.

¨Noor! Everyone's watching. Have some shame !¨ Zoya scolded me.

¨What shame? You're my janeman and I'm not ashamed of calling you that in front of the whole world. ¨ I said, trying to maintain a serious face but ended up laughing in the end. 

¨Uhm Uhm ¨ someone cleared their throat, gaining our attention.

I felt my face become a dark shade of red. Shoot. They just listened to me calling Zoya janeman . Can someone dig a hole for me right now?

We looked at each other before turning to the person.

Guess what

It was Mr I'm too much up in my ass 

What a great way to ruin my day.

¨Congratulations on the engagement¨ He said with a poker face to zoya. He must have been forced to congratulate her, I'm sure. This man would not congratulate someone out of his own will. But I'm sure no one would be able to force him in anything.

I looked in the direction from where he came from and sure enough, his friends and dad were standing there with a proud smirk on their face. Well, only one person did not have a smirk. And he was the same person who claimed to be Ariya's god knows what. He had a poker face, similar to which Mr batameez has one.

I turned my attention back to Mr Batameez here. 

¨Try adding a smile to that ¨ I said, directing my words to him.

¨Let me check if i asked for your opinion ¨ He said, rolling his eyes.

What is the deal with him. Mr Asshole 

¨I gave it anyway. ¨ I said not backing down.

¨Thank you so much for giving your unwanted opinion ¨ He said sarcastically before leaving the stage.

Ughhhh. He makes me rip my hair off. Calm breathing Noor, calm breathing. 

This man I'm telling you is gonna get killed by me the next time i see him.

¨Why were you picking fights with him ? You're usually nice to everyone.¨ Zoya asked with a raised eyebrow.

I'm nice to everyone mostly, but something about him irks me alot.

¨How can you blame me? Have you ever seen the way he talks? I swear to god this man does not even know the meaning of smile¨. I said to zoya who was listening intently.

¨Well, you have a point. From all the times I have encountered him, he has never smiled even once or indulged in talking except right now when he was arguing with you. Guess he really does dislike you. What did you do now ?.¨

¨Haw! janeman , here i am laying my life before you and you're doubting me ? ¨ I said pouting.

¨Leave that. Why did you come here ¨ She said because she knew she could not argue with me. She loves me very much.

¨Oh, that, i was just missing you, janeman¨i said, nudging her shoulders¨. She looked a tad bit relaxed now and I did not want her to be tense again by discussing the topic again. If she wanted, she would tell me. I would never force her.

¨By the way, you know right, I'm always here for you right. You can tell me anything anytime. ¨ I said, hugging her and running away before she kills me.

I was walking towards where my family was standing with Mr Batameez's family , laughing and joking with each other.

¨Assalam Walaikum¨ I said, greeting them all and getting their attention.

¨Walaikum Assalam ¨ Everyone said, greeting me back

¨What are you guys talking about while laughing so much? I also wanna know !¨ I said, getting excited.

Everyone chuckled at my excitement. They told me what they were thinking and I could see the color draining from my face. 

I could feel my face getting pale.

How could they do this? 

Hello y'all. How are the chapters going. So just to clear one thing before going further is that there is not gonna be any cheating trope. So yall can relax. And tell me about what you think is going to happen. 

Follow me on instagram to get spoilers. ID: Author_noorie

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