Chapter 4: The Store room

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Noor's pov :
The guts of that man to not apologize to me.
What a rude- cold ass jerk. Okay, I admit I was also not paying attention where I was going and I was also going to apologize to him but the way he looked at meas if I was a little creature whom he couldn't be bothered about ,
I lost all my efforts of being civil. I may have gone overboard by
throwing orange juice on him but who cares, besides he seemed I bothered by it.

If he was disturbed, he should have told me instead of standing there with a poker face and burning holes in my head with his hateful eyes.

I'm not gonna stand there like a damsel in distress while he treats me like I'm the dirt
under his shoes. News flash i'm not a damsel in distress. Wait why
am i getting so angry .I really need a ride on my hoor .

I huffed an angry breath and went towards the store room to find
the engagement tray I was assigned to bring.
The thought of Mr Batameez kept replaying in my head, making my mood sour.

Why am I even thinking about him? He's just a meanie.

After struggling for half an hour, I finally found the tray I was asked to bring. My moms gonna kill me
for taking too much time.

As I was just gonna step out of the room, someone's hand clamped shut on my mouth and I was dragged behind one of the shelves in the store room.

What in the freaking world is happening?

I tried to look at the face of whoever it was but it was so dark that I could
not see anything.

Was I getting kidnapped. Did they want ransom from my parents instead of me. How much money are they gonna ask?.

I should just tell them to ask for more money since my brothers and parents love me. I might as well do the kidnapper a favor and tell him I will get kidnapped without any hard work and in return he should treat me to some chocolate ice cream.

I'm so smart. I opened my mouth to give the kidnapper the brilliant suggestion I just thought but realized he still kept his hand on my mouth.
I bit down on the hand as hard as I could but all I got in return was a hiss. Were the kidnappers made of metal ?

¨Leave me. How dare you put your hand on my mouth, if you want money I will just give it to you asshole ¨ I Blurted out as soon as the hand left my mouth.

"Oh sweetheart ! I don't like to put my hands on someone like you. The situation forced me to. ¨

I immediately recognized the voice. It's the same as Mr Egoistic from earlier.
He putted extra emphasis on the word sweetheart. Here I imagined my future husband to call me that but this asshole is calling me , that too in a sarcastic way. God really does not like me, does he.

¨ What do you mean someone like me, Mr I am too much up in my ass , huh ?¨

I said putting extra pressure on the word too much up in my ass like he did on the word sweetheart.

What I believe in is revenge instead of forgiving.

¨ Someone who is over dramatic and annoying ¨

He said as if a matter of fact not minding the fact that i just called him a jerk face making me more angry than i was. Usually i was nice to people but he just has to be so provoking.

¨Are you talking about yourself Mr jerk face” I said rolling my
¨Are you deaf along with being blind ¨ He said, rolling his eyes,
throwing my exact same words from before. Touché.

¨ Oh I did not know you had a habit of stealing everyone's dialogue" I said with sarcasm dripping from my voice

¨Not everyone. Only those whose existence I cannot tolerate ¨He said glaring at me.

Why does this man glare so much. Some day his eyes are gonna come out. Then I will cook it and feed it to dogs. No they will puke If they eat it. I will just throw them then..

Okay, what am I thinking. But nobody has ever insulted me this much. I did not want to waste anymore time on him because I was already running late so I just stomped my foot on his and left from there. I hope it hurts
like hell.

After all, I was wearing heels. How can his family be so sweet and he himself is so cold.

He must be adopted.

I refuse to I believe such a sweet family has such a cold ass jerk son.

I came downstairs and handed Mom the plate and started to enjoy the function. Thankfully I did not meet Mr I don't care about the world

During the engagement I felt somewhat weird. After looking here
and there for a while I saw someone looking at Ariya with such intensity like nobody else is present here except for her which got
me chills.
Who is this man and why is he looking at my best friend
like he will eat her at any moment. Ew what even I'm thinking.
It must be nothing or else Ariya would have told me. I tried looking
for maha in the crowd but she was nowhere to be seen. I went to Ariya and nudged her shoulder to which she looked at me with a raised brow.

¨ Man , i'm so bored ¨ I said and she nodded expressing that she
felt the same.

¨ Let's do something. Besides the two teachers are not here to
scold us anyway ¨.

I said not waiting for her reply and dragged her towards the food stall.

Due to suddenly being dragged, she almost tripped and before she could fall on her face, someone held her
elbow at the last moment. I looked to see the same creepy man
who was staring at her a few moments ago , glaring at me with such hateful eyes as if I hurted his most beloved thing.

¨Are you blind. Can you not see? How can you so carelessly drag
her like this. What if she had fallen and gotten hurt somewhere .
What if she got a scratch in herself huh. Where's your attention?.Would you have taken the responsibility if she got injured?¨

That creepy man said in the coldest tone known to mankind. I
don't know him but damn if he did not look scary as hell. I would
have been scared shitless if I did not face things worse than this.

¨Woah ! Mr Whoever you, calm down. She's my friend and who are
you to her? And I would have easily saved her if you did not come
in between¨.

I said taking Ariya´s elbow from his hand while she was just staring between us in shock.

"I'm her -" He stopped whatever he was gonna say when he
realized he was no one to her. Why does zoya ´ s party contain so
many weird kinds of people everywhere?

He did not have the chance to finish whatever he was tryna say
because of the loud announcement from the stage which gathered
everyone's attention.

¨Hello everyone. So as you all know today we are going to have a
dance battle between the Groom's side and the bride's side. The
side with the most spectacular wins 1 point and the team with
most points get to ask anything from the other side of the
team.So hold your horses everyone as the first dance battles are
gonna be between the parents. ¨

The dance battle began and i did not get the chance to ask Ariya
any question about the creepy man as we took off to find maya
who went god knows where .
I swear to god i'm the only normal
person in our friend group.

Hello! How was the chapter. I really need some motivation to write the next chapter. Do comment and vote. Also what do you think is gonna happen next ?
Bye Love you all 🤭🙈

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