Chapter 1 - Nothing But a Robot

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"Ahem. Good morning my prisoners. It is now 8:30 Am. While I have not provided breakfast myself, it seems some of your fellow inmates have. Enjoy the accommodations! We will have a meeting later today."

I groaned as I stretched my arms and sat up.

It had been about a week since we arrived here.

Nothing major had happened. We explored the entire building, or what seemed of it. So far we found a few rooms.

That was the current layout we were dealing with

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That was the current layout we were dealing with. There were locked doors around the building, but nothing we did would open them.

I resided in the D block for now. Me, Tree, and Bomby all stayed in the cells next to eachother. We had grown close over the days.

Honestly, I was surprised about how easy it was to make friends.

I hung out with Lightning alot of the time. Though our personalities contrasted heavily, it somehow made it even more interesting to talk to him.

I hopped out of bed and tidied up my room. I put my Jacket back on and my shoes and exited my cell.

I walked to the left of me and knocked on the bars.

"Eeek!- I mean, Im awake!" Bomby squealed.

I snickered. "No rush. Ill just go get Tree and come back."

I walked over to Trees cell, where I could hear him humming a show tune. He always did like to watch musicals. I only knew that because he desperately begged me to watch them with him.

He jumped when I chuckled a little.

"Gee Jr, you couldve said you were there." He sighed, exiting his cell. Bomby quickly joined us.

The three of us casually chatted as we walked to breakfast. Nothing much, just about the outside world.

Thats all anyone ever talked about anymore.

As we arrived in the cafeteria, we could hear chatter and smell food.

"Look who decided to show up." Fanny sarcastically groaned.

"All you had to say was you missed me." I smirked. She rolled her eyes.

Stapy chuckled. "Calm down you two, its too early in the morning for this arguing."

I darted my eyes to him. "Your the one starting half the arguments we have nowadays anyways."

Stapy frowned. "And it always seems to be you in the middle of all those arguments, see a pattern?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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