Chapter 0 - Closing Court

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The slam of a gavel rang throughout a courtroom.

The jury sat there, still shocked at the conclusion of the trial.

The judge herself was still processing.

"Ahem..." she spoke. "In the case of K. Sharps vs the shopping corporation, Doormart, the jury has found Mr. Sharps....Innocent."

Gasps filled the courtroom.

Another woman stood up, looking at a timer. "This case lasted a total of....8 minutes."

It was unprecedented...unheard of until now.

A lawyer so knowledgeable and vast in the world of law, able to end a court case against one of the largest shopping corporations in the world, in under 10 minutes.

Though, this could only be the world of someone special.

Someone so good at their respective job, they are recognized nationally for it.

These people are called Ultimates.

Individuals ages 18 or younger who shined above others would be selected to attend a academy.

They would receive special education to help them excel even greater at what they did, and would be automatically set up after high school, if they were to graduate....

But that all changed a year ago.

The 78th Class of the school went immediately missing the day of their orientation.

They had been captured by One to be a part of a experiment.

In the end though, former terrorist Two revealed the truth of Ones evil actions, and with the help of the students, One was defeated and forced to retreat.

Every since then, the seat of the leader of Goinky has been empty. Two had been too busy on his search for One to officially lead the nation.

The hands of power fell into the council. A board of powerful people meant to collectively vote and make decisions to lead Goinky.

One if these decisions, being choosing the new, 79th class of the academy, which had recently be renamed:

The Academy of Hope had finally decided of its newest class. The ones to clear the bad energy of what happened last year.

They were being looked at by all around the world.

That was what caused this....

The youngest member of the 79th class stepped out of the courtroom, looking at his watch nervously.

"The post-trial paperwork took way too long...almost a hour..." He shook his head, adjusting his tie.

He ran to the curbside, approaching a white van with the academy's symbol on the side of it.

A new safety measure was to have the students escorted directly to the academy via private vehicles. To prevent any kidnapping attempts.

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