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I hate this situation. Going back in time, it was when I was five years old. Like any other 5 year old, I didn’t want much. My dream was to have a pink wedding with my destined prince while going over the rainbow bridge on a unicorn, just like it appeared in the storybooks.

“Mother! Mother!”

I put on a thin pajama dress and ran into the bedroom, to my mother’s arms. My mom and dad woke up, dumbfounded. My mom smiled softly, embarrassed by my actions.

“Oh, my daughter, what’s wrong? Did you have a nightmare?”

I cried bitterly and wet my mother’s skirt. My throat began to sting, but I didn’t care. Rubbing my face against her soft, silky pajamas, I struggled to hold back my tears.

“Mom… I don’t think I can marry…”

I burst into tears again when I said so. My voice was hoarse and I heard a voice that wasn’t old enough.

My mother kept patting me while I was crying without responding. When my mother asked me what was going on, I couldn’t do anything but cry. It was because I was still shocked. I could still vividly remember what happened when I was five. Even my father had to stop me from blowing my nose onto my mother’s skirt. On that night when I was five years old, I was dumped by a boy who I had confessed to with courage. It was a dream that had changed my life.

That’s why I was crying so badly. Because that dream was about my old life.

* * *

I read a book before I died. The title of the book was, Hestia’s Fishes. It reeked of a third-rate harem novel. It was a romance novel, but with a poor story. Although the novel could have been repulsive because there was such a poor storyline, I read it for the romance rather than the story, so there was no big problem.

In my dream, I realized that the world I was living in was the same world as that of the novel that I read in my previous life. At first, I thought it was just a coincidence that my name, “Shuraina West,” was the same name as a character from the book. But when I realized that my friend Hestia Fleur de Couture, had the same name as the female lead in the book, I slammed my head on the desk and wished that everything would just disappear.

But soon I had to admit to the reality. Because the setting of the novel and the place where I lived horrifyingly matched. In the novel, I was only an Ojakgyo.
**(T/N Note - Ojakgyo refers to the bridge that birds make once a year to connect the female and male main characters in traditional korean fairy tales” basically a wing man.)

Shuraina West was the friend of the pretty and good-natured heroine. She went back and forth between the male lead and the heroine, becoming a hardcore Ojakgyo. An Ojakgyo so faithful that it was enough for someone’s hair to fall off.

I could never find love here. In the novel, all the guys that Shuraina liked were only interested in Hestia. Only then did I begin to see why all the boys I was interested in were looking at Hestia. Reality was so cruel, you… my dream of being with my destined prince was fully ruined on the day that my past life’s memories returned, I burned all the traces of princesses that i had, with empty eyes.

“Mom, why do you think people live?”


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