6. Threats

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The officers gained consciousness three hours and two minutes later. I know that because I counted down the hours, minutes, and seconds from my room. All of the windows and doors were locked, but I still hid in the corner of my room with a knife in my hands.

When Atticus had left, it took me a few minutes before I could move and realise that he had laid out the knives on the table from smallest to largest.

I took them all to my room. I was not willing to take the chance that Atticus wouldn't change his mind,

The first person to knock on my door was Chief Finnis.

He didn't say anything when I opened the door. I stepped back and he walked in, eyeing the knives pilled into the far corner before looking back to me. I'm not sure what expression was on my face, but his voice was low when he spoke.

"Are ya hurt?" I shook my head, but his eyes still skimmed over me for any injuries. "Good. Ya alright with tellin' me what happened?"

My mouth opened to tell him everything, but the words got caught in my throat. What was I supposed to tell him?

The silence dragged on until he sighed, dragging a hand down his face. "Alright, we can talk 'bout it later." With an attempt of an encouraging smile, he went to the door. Before closing it, he looked back at me. "Get some sleep, will ya? We can talk 'bout moving ya' someplace else tomorrow." I didn't respond before he closed the door. I didn't think about anything in particular when I crouched back in my bedroom corner.

The knives glinted in the moonlight that managed to squeeze through the curtains. I counted down the seconds, minutes, and the hours that passed before my eyes began to betray me. My hands didn't though, and my firm grip on the handle was the only reason I let my eyes slip shut.


I made sure to hide the knives around my house before the officers escorted me to the police station.

The meetings had become constant over the last few days. Finnis said it was to discuss finding more evidence against Atticus Havélock, but we both really knew why.

I sat in the back of the briefing room, staring at the bulletin boards across the walls with grainy photos of the town pinned onto them, none of Atticus, as Finnis spoke to the rest of the officers. My eyes whipped to the door when another late officer strolled in and sat at the front of the room. It made sense why Atticus hadn't been caught yet.

I only started to pay attention when everyone else began to stand. My ears stopped humming when I heard my name. I looked back at the Chief and he gestured for mw to stay. So, I watched everyone else leave, and only when it's me and Finnis left does the silence finally break.

"I've been doin' some thinkin'," he began, and my stomach twisted. Those were never happy words.

He rounded the podium at the front of the room and met me in the middle. His beard had grown out, and his eyes were tired, like he had just as many sleepless nights as me.

"We can't convict Havélock with just your testimony."

My heart sped up as he folded his arms over his chest. "And?"

Finnis stared at me blankly. "Unless you can find somethin' else, our deal is gone."

My heart stopped.


"You were meant to get enough evidence to convict Havélock–"

"No, no. Our deal was for me to help you find evidence, not do your fucking job–"

"Shut it." He spat, wiping the furrow between his eyebrows as he took a deep breath. "If you can't find enough for us to throw Havélock in a cell, you're takin' his place."

"That's not fair." I can't breathe.

He pinned me with a glare. "In case you're forgettin', I've got enough to throw you in a cell for a few years too."

My mouth clamped shut and my hands rolled into fists.

Two months ago, I was robbing a place, and I didn't wait long enough for the police to run past. They caught me with two bags and diamond necklaces hanging from my neck. It turned out the jeweller had come back to collect something, and he saw me sneaking in through the back door.

"Now I know we've already got his own cell picked out, but he ain't in it yet." Finnis continued, fuelling the rage that simmered in my chest. "So, I need you to get more evidence."

"Have you forgotten the part where he broke into my house and knocked out four officers that were armed?" I struggled to keep my voice steady. Finnis stared at me and shook his head.

"I haven't, I just don't care anymore." His voice was so calm to the point that it almost tipped me over the edge. "So, unless you find me more, you're gonna be the one rottin' in his cell."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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