How To Do The Hard things

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Whenever I've been overwhelmed with living and all my emotions, and all the other worries and things of the world. I've always turned to writing. And it's so cliche I know!!! But I don't know where else to turn. So, unfortunately I'm back lol.

This is going to be an homage to turning 25. And trying to accomplish all the things I'm "meant" to by this age, all the hard things. And how badly I've strayed from going after the things I want.

I'd like to start over?

I'd like to love myself, and become more of who I am without fears. I'd like to do all the hard things. So that I don't let life escape me, even though I felt like it has. I've lost my creativity for some months now, and I need it back! I've lost my happiness for some months now, but all these things can be found.

So this small journal. Of my 25th year of living will hopefully push me to continue my pursuits, push me to reflect? Push me to, move again.
Because I'm not an immovable object, I am someone capable of change, I am someone capable of love?


So why don't I?

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