Chapter 11

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"Can I talk about this with Conner though?"

"I mean, if you want to. Just don't tell Alistair specifically or anyone else, especially that I told you guys."


"Well, I mean it was obvious Lucille liked Alistair. I guess he played oblivious so no one would find out about the affair.." I said

"But poor Francis is truly oblivious.." added Dylan

"Yeah.. I don't know what to do or where this will go. I'm stuck."

"Don't worry nor stress too much. It's so sad seeing my baby brother grown up and worrying so much!"


"To me you are!"

"You're just a little over a year older than me."

"Still my baby brother!"


"I should go home now, it's late. Bye baby brother!" Said Dylan as he gave me another kiss on my forehead

"Bye. Thanks for staying over!"

~~~the next day~~~

I was in my kitchen, drinking another cup of tea. I heard the door open again. Not gonna be surprised to see a brother of mine.

But I was to see two.

"Arthur!" said Dylan

"Dylan, what are you doing here and WHY THE BLOODY HELL IS CONNER HERE TOO?!"

"Arthur calm down!" said Conner

"Well let's all go to the living room and have a chat, lads?"

Conner and I agreed. We followed Dylan into the living room and they told me what they talked about.

"Well we can't hide the fact that Alistair and Lucille are having an affair forever, right?" Said Dylan


"So we've decided we'd confront Alistair about it but-" Said Conner until I cut him off


"Arthur let me finish!"


"As I was saying, we won't mention a thing about the fact you're the one who told us. We'll just say we found out from the dinner day, okay?"


"Arthur, trust us." Said Dylan

"Okay.. WAIT. Did you tell anyone else, like Sean?"

"No. Don't worry." Replied Conner

Sean. The only one who knew nothing about what was happening. How nice it'd be. To be that. Not having a clue of all the drama right now.

"We'll go to Alistair's tonight. We need Francis to come over to your place." Said Dylan.

"Okay, I guess I can make that happen." I hoped for the best out of this.

~~~A few hours later~~~

The clock read 5 PM. Francis should be here any moment. That's when I heard a knock at my front door.

I opened it and was relieved, but shy to see him.

"Arthur!" He said as he gave me a tight hug.

"Hello Francis. Maybe not so tight?" I said, muffled

"Oh desolé!"

"It's fine, come in!"

We chatted for a bit. Until I randomly remembered everything about the current situation and just stared into space.

"Arthur! I've called you four times right now."

"Oh sorry Francis!"

"What did I say before?"


He laughed "You've been worrying a lot recently, what's going on?"

"I don't know if I can tell you Francis."

"Is it about me?"

"Yes- I mean no- Actually, kind of."

"What's wrong? Did I do something to make you uncomfortable?"

"No. You didn't do anything." I sighed

"Well if you don't want to tell me, I understand." He said

I can tell he looked sad. He probably thinks I'm hiding something from him.

"Well I'm not supposed to tell you. But are you ready for what you're going to hear?"

He nodded. I then explained everything to him, from why Alistair even got with him to when I got them at the dinner then to the mall incident.

He sighed.

"I knew he was cheating.."


"Yes. Last week. Sunday morning. I found a bra in his closet. I found some of Lucille's lipsticks, mascaras, and much more as well. I then decided to check his texts with Lucille, and I found out the truth. I've went back to messages from the day of our wedding back in 2019."


"Yes. I didn't tell him anything though. I'll let him cheat. I'm not the one he loves anyway, and that's his choice." He smiled, "Just wish he had told me the truth in the beginning."

"I'm so sorry Francis, I-"

Suddenly, I felt his lips press against mine. Once again. I kissed back as I enjoyed that moment.

Our lips then parted, but a saliva trail still connected us. That kiss lasted about a good five minutes.

"I love you Francis.."

"Je t'aime plus, Arthur."

Warning: (Light) smut?

He picked me up and put me on his lap. We kissed again. And again. And again. Until I realized both of us were shirtless. His fingers playing with my nipples, while he was giving me a hickey.

"Ready?" He asked

"In the bedroom... not here!"

I was a virgin. I didn't know what was going to happen now or how it'll truly feel.

He carried me bridal style to my bedroom and layed me down on my bed. He crawled on top of me, and gave me a kiss on my forehead.

"Im scared Francis. I've never had sex before..."

"I'll be gentle Arthur, don't worry. Just like what Alistair wants, this is what I want. Though I did want him, I did indeed want you more."

He took my pants off, then his. We were both stripped into our boxers. Soon, those were off too.

We were rubbing our cocks together. Me sitting on top of Francis. I moaned really loudly into his mouth.

"Arthur, you're already so pleased. Ready to get more crazy?"

I nodded. Then, everything began. With the love of my life.

Sorry about the smut in the story, and how this chapter ended. Thought it'd be fun to add a bit. I'm scared to go further, so that's why I don't elaborate as much on it. I don't like writing smut, but I know some of my readers like it, so there you go!

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