Chapter 10

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Antonio and Francis both left early in the morning. More time for me now, I guess. I can't stop thinking about kissing Francis again, that felt really nice. I sat on my couch and began to cry, holding my stuffed rabbit near me.

Suddenly, I heard the door open. Oh crap, I can't have anyone see me cry like this.

"Arthur!!" I heard a familiar Welsh accent say

"Arthur? What's wrong, my baby brother?"

I continued to cry and bury my head in my stuffed rabbit.

"Let me hug you Arthur." Said Dylan as he sat next to me and gave me a big hug. I hugged back to.

"Thank you Dylan.."

"Of course! I am your big brother! Anyways, what's so wrong that you, out of all people, would cry?"

"There's too much pressure. It's been going on for two weeks. I don't know what to do. I have a secret from my childhood. Conner knows the situation. But I don't think you'd really understand by this point. Things are escalating fast."

"Does Alistair know? Sean?"

"Sean, no. Alistair is apart of the problem."

Dylan put my head on his lap.

"It's okay Arthur. You can tell me."

"I don't think I can. Telling Conner wasn't even supposed to happen either."

"You can trust me, don't worry." He said

I sighed.

I then explained the entire story to him. Alistair and Lucille, me and Francis, Conner catching us, etc. Even what I felt like as I child.

"He could've just told Francis he was straight and was in love with his sister.." said Dylan

"I know right? But what brings you here today, Dylan? And how the bloody hell did you get into my house?"

"You gave me a spare key to your house last time, remember?"

"Oh, yeah!"

"And I was here to just visit you because why not!"

"Thank you Dylan."

"I'm just too scared to see Francis, Alistair, or Lucille again. Alistair will kill me if he found out I've told two people, well three counting my friend Antonio, the one who knew Francis."

He kissed my forehead, "Arthur, you should've told me in the beginning. Well, I'll definitely stir up a plan. If you need anything let me know, I'll stay over to take care of you today?"

"Actually Dylan?"

"Yes! Anything for you!" He said as I moved away slightly to the other end of the couch

"You also still play Roblox?" He asked as he checked my phone

"Don't grab my phone!" I said, embarrassed, "Yes. I do."

"Royale high? Me too!"



He grabbed my face, "you look exactly like me!"

"Hey! No I don't! You have chubbier cheeks, a little shorter than me, your baby brother!"

"If you had chubbier cheek, I'd be squishing them more than I do now!" He said as he grabbed them and squeezed them together

"And I miss when you were smaller. You were so innocent. Now look at you!"

"Hey! I'm older now I'm not a baby Dylan!"

"Okay sorry." He said as he giggled.

"Okay, now come closer to me. I'm really scared." I said, in need of comfort from the stress. And of course, he did.

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