Chapter 7

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That night, I went home first. Tomorrow was Monday so new adventures at work I guess. Today was. I can't say bad but has made me even more nervous in front of Francis. How could I just kiss him like that?

Now another thing I have to worry about. Alistair and Lucille's affair, me kissing Francis, Conner finding out about both issues, oh shit.

I went to bed pretty quick and wrapped myself in my blankets. I grabbed the little stuffed bunny I always slept with since I was a child next to me and cuddled away to sleep.


I heard a very familiar voice behind me.

"Arthur! How could you do this?!"

"What did I do, Alistair?"

"Dating Francis. You know he's MY husband."

"What?! I'm not dating that frog! What the bloody hell are you on?! You're the one cheating on him with Lucille."

I saw my other brothers come. Now things were about to get even worse.

"We saw everything Arthur!" said Sean

"What the fuck?!"

"Yeah, isn't Francis having an affair with you?!" Asked Conner

Conner. How could he betray me.


"I doubt it's only because of that." Added Dylan

Ugh. Why the bloody hell does no one ever believe me?


I woke up and checked my phone. Saw it was midnight. Thank god it was just a dream. More like a nightmare, actually.

I tried putting myself back to sleep, but I just couldn't. I decided to watch some TV until I felt tired again. There's 6 hours until I have to get ready for work.

I put on some movie version of a musical I once did tech for when I was in school. This should kill some time.

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