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Mingyu smiled when he saw Yoongi who had just come out of the toilet wearing his uniform, which of course was too big on his small body. In fact, the length reaches just above the little one's knees.

"Why are you frowning, hm?" Mingyu asked while holding back a smile

"Gosh...the clothes are too big!" annoyed Yoongi stomped his foot, making the tall teenager ruffle Yoongi's hair exited. 

"But you look cute when you dress like this, yoon"

"There's no way cute, I'll get shorter if I wear this" Yoongi pursed his lips in annoyance

"Not short, but petite"

"It's the same" said Yoongi

"Kkk...that's it, let's go home" said Mingyu, but the cute one shook his head

"Come on, I'll take you"

"No sunbae, you should just go back there. I can go home alone" Yoongi refused

"Are you sure?"

"Huum, don't worry" the sweet one gave a small smile so that Mingyu didn't have to worry about him

"Hah...arraseo, be careful"

"Okay boss!" Yoongi made a respectful gesture, and Mingyu responded with the same thing

"Gomawo for today sunbae" Yoongi sincerely, making the tan teenager smile

"It doesn't matter, after all I already consider you as my own little brother Yoon. So from now on, don't hesitate to ask for my help...understand?"

"Understood, then I'll say goodbye, sunbae. Annyeong~"

"Hmm, annyeong"

Yoongi walked slowly, with his hands holding the plastic bag containing his dirty uniform. He would walk quickly when passing several students, because he was embarrassed to wear big clothes.

However, when he was about to leave the gate... a grip on his hand stopped him in his tracks, then he turned and saw the flat face of the student council president.

"Can we talk for a moment?" asked Namjoon

"If you want to talk, just talk!" Yoongi snapped, he was still annoyed with the dimpled teenager

"Not here, let's go somewhere else" and before Yoongi said a word, Namjoon pulled Yoongi's hand towards his motorbike.

"Come on!" said Namjoon, but the sweet one was still silent with his lips pursed cutely looking at the big motorbike in front of him.

"Hurry up and get on!"

"I can't ride, the motorbike is too high," he whined.

"Tsk! Don't blame the motorbike, just blame your short body," said Namjoon, snorted in annoyance as he got off the motorbike.

"You're annoying! I'm not short, I'm just not tall enough!" Yoongi snapped, crossing his tiny arms in front of his chest

Namjoon just rolled his eyes lazily, and quickly lifted the small body...and made its owner squeal in surprise.

"Shut up already!" Namjoon interrupted, when he saw Yoongi who wanted to open his voice.

The dimpled teenager got on his motorbike, then put on his helmet. Don't forget he also started his motorbike engine

"Hold on!" said Namjoon

"I don't want to," Yoongi snapped.

"Hold on"

Annyeong! ENG. Vers ( MinyoongiXBtsOt6 )Where stories live. Discover now