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Surrounded by people but always

That's what I am. Alone. No one knows the real me and honestly no one cares.

And I'm fine with it, right?

I could walk around town the whole day and not a single person would even spare me a glance. It was almost like I was invisible.

I always feared that I'd be alone forever.

Until I saw you.

I knew you were the one.

You were so authentic.

So real.

I just had to have you.

I've been watching  you for a while now...

I didn't really like you that much at first. I had just thought that you were good looking and that was it. I started getting more interested in you when I kept seeing you around town. You were so loud and unbothered with other people's opinions. You did whatever you wanted. You were so free.

I admired you.

Maybe I did go too far this time.. but I couldn't help it. You were just so perfect from the start.

Now your locked up in my basement, far away from the people who kept you company... far away from those who love you. Far away from anyone who ever tried to take you from me.

No one will find you here.

Hopefully now that your here I won't be as lonely as I used to be.

You seemed like good company.

╰─ ...

It all started when I saw you walking with your friends down the busy cold streets...

You looked stunning, I couldn't help but stare as you walked by with your big red trench coat and your short light brown hair, and those eyes. Oh, those gorgeous green eyes.. they were so pretty. They were almost hypnotic. You had freckles all over your perfect pale porcelain skin.

If I could describe you in one word it would adorable. You were just so cute.

I was so busy staring at you that I almost tripped and fell on my ass.


I really need to watch where I'm walking-

And they say love at first sight doesn't exist, yet I'm here falling for someone who doesn't even know I exist. Yet.

I followed you down the side-walk of this busy street. Your friends had to go do whatever they had to do and you.

You just sat there, on that old green bench that was dedicated to some random person who probably died in the 90s.

You looked so unbothered and relaxed. you put your head back and closed your eyes.. I wonder what you were thinking about at this moment.

I approached you. My heart was racing. I hope this went smoothly. I hope I don't fuck this up.


"Hey- you wouldn't mind If I sat here right?" I said, looking down at you with a cheeky grin. The guy who I haven't learned the name of yet.

"Huh" you opened your eyes widely before your gaze fell on me. You were tense but relaxed when your eyes met mine. Yes. You were looking right at me. Those sweet, beautiful eyes meeting mine.

"oh- yea sure." You said blandly. Looks like someone was having a rough day huh?

I sat right next to you. I watched as you leaned back onto the bench. It sqeaked at the movement but then everything went silent.

It was peaceful for a moment. It was wonderful really...
Just me and you.
You and me.
Together for the first time.

It felt like the world stopped spinning and like everything was in slow motion.

I had never been this close before.


Heyy uhh 😭😭 if there's any mistakes please please PLEASEE tell me (im dumb) xoxo thanks

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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