Reality Morning Check? (Chapter 11)

Start from the beginning

Excuse me? What now?

Me: Good morning to you too. Anyway, tf you mean?

I was still processing the absolute nerve of this kid when his reply came in.

Wessie the Asshole: Nearly good afternoon, actually, sweetheart. We have a double period for MB. I'm skipping this one cuz I don't know what to do, second starts after break. Get your ass here now or you're doing the project alone.

Good afternoon?

I glanced at the time. 11:36 AM.

Oh. Oh shit.

I jumped up way too fast, tripped over the blanket that had been wrapped around me like a straitjacket, and nearly face-planted. Why was I like this?

I somehow managed to scramble to my feet, phone in hand, swearing up a storm under my breath. My friends' messages were all the same—variations of "Are you alive?" and "Where the hell are you?" with Jake spamming me with fifty-two question marks, because of course he did.

I fired off a quick "I'm alive, chill" to everyone and called my mom and dad back to assure them I hadn't been kidnapped, just horrifically late.

Throwing my hair into a messy bun, I sprinted out the door. No time for breakfast. No time for a shower. I was speeding to school like my life depended on it. And honestly? It kinda did. Senior year attendance is no joke.

On the way, I narrowly avoided three cars, a squirrel, and two cats.

Great start to the day, Madison. Great start.


I pace down the hallway to my locker, usually this corridor was filled with people but right now it was just me.

It was so echoey, every time I took a step it was loud enough to the point where I'm sure the classrooms next door could hear.

It was 11:50am, first break was over, and third period had started. We had two back to back sessions of marine biology today, to West's word, he said he skipped the first one because he wouldn't know what the fuck to do.

I grabbed my textbooks and laptop, now I was sprinting off to the other side of the school.

The second I was standing in front of the heavy black door that led into the theatre, suddenly I felt sick.

The feeling of walking in there, and all eye's will be on me. A class of around 30 kids, and I just know every single person in there is going to look at me. Not only because I'm walking in midday, but it's me who's late. I've never been late to a class in my life, usually I'm at least 5 minutes early.

Either way, I couldn't just stand out here, so I pushed that gut feeling down and walked in.

And I was right, the second I walked in I could feel all gaze on me. I kept my head down though, I didn't have the courage to look up at everyone. I walked in a little further until I was near the teachers desk.

I gave Mr Winters a smudged smile, and handed my late pass that I collected on my way from the front office.

"Not usually late are we Miss Monroe?" He said, the lines on his forehead creasing slightly.

"I'm sorry...I -uh... stuff happened." I say awkwardly.

I could tell by the looks he was giving me that he was not convinced one bit. He motioned his hand towards the seats. I gave him a faint nod and started moving towards the stairs of the theatre we were sitting in.

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