"Finally!" My dad and Kelly said as they walked into the kitchen.

"Yeah you only get burgers because its late" I told them and sat down on a stool to get mine ready.

"That's fine Jade, we are just happy you can cook for us" My dad kiss the top of my head and went on making his burger.

"And thankful" Kelly added.

"Yes! And thankful." My dad agreed.

"You're very welcome."

I went back to making my burger. I reached for the mayo and my hand collided with another. I went for the mayo again but it collided again. I looked up only to see Seth looking back at me. Of course it's him, who else would it have been.

I turned and went for the ketchup instead. "So what did you guys do all day?" Kelly asked while still making his burger.

I looked up at Seth then quickly looked away when I seen him looking at me.

"Nothing, just watched TV" I said, not bothering to look up from my plate.

"And slept" Seth added. I retrained myself from trying to throw a piece of lettuce at his face.

I looked at him for 2 seconds then looked over to My dad and Kelly. Kelly was nodding his head and my dad was dancing... We could have honestly told them what else happened and they wouldn't have even noticed.

"Fun. You're just lucky you didn't have to work" My dad said.

"Yeah" I replied. Am I?

Once we all got our plates made and I put some stuff away. Once I was done I grabbed my plate and took it to my bedroom. I sped walked through the living room trying not to distract them from the tv, but I had caught one pair of eyes. A pair of eyes I wish I could hide from or make them never look at me the way they have been sense the small couch action.

I ran up the stairs but my name was called before I could get to my room.

"What?" I asked turning around slowly on my heals.

"Where are you going? You aren't gonna hang out with us? You're probably barely gonna see us in the next week." My dad said.

"Uhh... I'm kinda in the middle of a show I need to catch up on. Maybe tomorrow?" I lied

"Can't you watch it another time?" He asked.

They were all looking at me. Staring me down. I could feel myself slowly give in. I didn't want to sit down here with my dad that could easily talk me into anything, Kelly who just enjoys everything for the experience, and the boy who drives me crazy.

"Fine... It can wait I guess." I went back down the stairs and sat in the chair folding my legs in front of me and putting my plate in my lap.

"Was everything okay today? You making more deserts today wasn't for fun, I already know that factor" My dad said.

I was mad at Seth this morning and I baked a pineapple upside down cake. I am always mad at him but right now I'm not sure what I'm feeling. This is a whole new territory for me.

"Yeah today was.. Okay" I took a bite of my burger to stuff my mouth full.

"So nothing upset you?" He asked.

I hesitated but shook my head no. "Okayy, I'm just checking... You're sure everything is okay?" He asked

"Yes dad, I'm fine, thank you. " I said.

I finished my food quick trying to focus on family guy that was playing on the TV. When I finished I picked up My dad's and Kelly's plates from the table.

Never Untouched Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ