74: 𝑃𝑒𝑜𝑝𝑙𝑒

Start from the beginning

They all turned to look over at Kira. Sitting with Bakugou, her back to them. They thought for a second they were out of range. Until Kira tipped back in her chair and looked straight at them. Her head upside down and her short hair hanging slightly off her scalp.

"Okay so she can hear us." Sero coughed into his elbow. "That's good to know."

Kira sat back up and Bakugou said something to her. She moved her head like she was saying something back and jerked her thumb over her shoulder. He glanced up at them and they looked away.

Well all of them but Kirishima. Who gave a friendly wave.

Bakugou rolled his eyes and leaned forward, talking to Kira.

"It's not fair." Mina whined. "She can hear us but we can't hear them." Then she immediately swiveled to look at Jirou, waiting.

Jirou rolled her eyes. "Really?" She asked.

"You know you're curious." Mina added.

"Maybe we shouldn't spy on the people we want help from." Denki said with a frown.

"Shh!" Mina said and Jirou put her aux to the ground as close as she could manage without getting stepped on.


"What's that all about?" Bakugou said with a frown. "You cracking your back or some shit?"

"No sorry. They were chatting about me. Trying to figure out if I could hear their thoughts from here." She said, eating a French fry.

Bakugou looked over her at them instinctively. He was met with them all watching. Then most of them turned away.
Bakugou ignored Kirishima's friendly wave and looked back at Kira.

"You can?" He asked her.

"Not their conversation. Just their thoughts. And even then it's barely. But since they're thinking about me it's easier to pick up." Kris admitted. Thoughts about her seemed to stand out more. And thoughts TO her were really loud. When someone thought something specifically to communicate with her it came clear and was stark against the background noise.

"What are they talking about?" Bakugou asked out of curiosity.

"They need someone to help them prepare for the beginning of the exams in two days. Kirishima suggested us." Kira said sipping her drink.

"Oh... So are you gonna do it?" He asked with a frown. "I didn't think any of them really needed it. But then again I've never paid that close attention to their grades."

"Only if you help." Kira said with a smile.

"What?! Hell no." Bakugou said, crossing his arms. "I'm shit at that."

"You are not." Kira rolled her eyes.

"I am so!" Bakugou snapped. "You know I have... That people..." He groaned and looked away. "I'm not cut out for that. I'll just end up yelling and hurting someone's feelings. I always do"

"Bakugou. You can't avoid everyone but me." Kira said with a frown. "Plus you thought the same thing about Kirishima. And now you guys are totally buddies. Just give them a chance."

He sighed "I did." The words sounded a little sad. Like he was disappointed in himself, in them and in the outcome.

"Give them another. It's not their fault Midoriya happens to be a master at spreading gossip." Kira pointed out. "Plus you could stand to yell a little less."

Did she know Jirou was listening in?

Yes. Yes she did.

But Bakugou didn't need to know that. She wouldn't let him say anything super weird or personal. But if they could understand Bakugou in a way that hadn't before... Things could go much smoother.

"I'll try." Bakugou mumbled. "It's not like they even really need help anyways. They're all smart enough."

"Sure they are. But they're still struggling." Kira cracked a smile. "Come on! It'll be fun!"

"Fine I'll tag along. But don't expect me to be all buddy buddy with everyone. If they are me I'll hate them. That's just how it works."
Bakugou said with a sigh. "And if things get uncomfortable for me I'm leaving."

"Fair enough."


"So??" Mina asked Jirou after a few minutes.

"Kira's all for it. Bakugou is on the edge though." Jirou said, retracting her earphone.

"Of course he is." Denki huffed, head still against the table.

"But not..." Jirou frowned. "It didn't sound like it was because he didn't want too."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Mina asked.

"I don't know... It was so weird he almost sounded." She frowned. "Nervous."

"Yeah. Right. Bakugou Katsuki is nervous." Sero said with an eyeroll.

"Yeah it's weird." Jirou frowned. "But Kira said he should give us a chance. And he said he already did. Then she brought up Midoriya."

"What's with them anyways?" Mina asked. "What's the whole beef with Midoriya?"

Kirishima decided to keep to himself at this point. Eating the rest of his food. Of course he knew, but there was no way in hell he was saying anything.

Then he got a notification, he checked his phone to see a text from Kira.

Wanna meet after classes?

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