As I handed her the drink, the voice in my head was deafening.

"Take her into your room and plunge that knife into her,"

it hissed.

"Or get her into your bed."

"Did we add enough to her drink?"

The voice persisted.

I shook my head, feeling a surge of exhilaration. I knew what I had done, and I wasn't ashamed of it. If anything, it made my twisted game of cat and mouse feel even more exhilarating. I hadn't caught her yet, but she was slowly being ensnared in my web. Andy was making this all too easy for me, but Chris had to be removed from the picture. As much as I'd relish the idea of killing him and dumping his body off some desolate exit, 1 knew I couldn't. So, I just needed to keep finding ways to keep Y/N all to myself, my little devil.

I couldn't help but smirk as she drank the concoction'd given her. I hoped that soon she would lose consciousness, or at the very least, feel too intoxicated to resist. I was prepared to take any opportunity that presented itself.

In The Bus

Y/n's POV

Gosh, I didn't think I had drunk that much, but I was losing my balance to the point where even Ricky pointed it out to me. "You sure are a lightweight," he said. I shook my head. "No, I'm not. I'm just used to smoking weed, not drinking like this." Ricky smirked at me. "Lucky for you, I have some–" Ricky was cut off by Spencer. "She's fine, Ricky. Just let her drink," Spencer said, looking very concerned for me. It made my heart flutter and my stomach fill with butterflies knowing that he cared this much about me.

"I was just offering to be nice. Well, I'm going to go smoke then. Patrick Miles, wanna join?" Miles stood up, grabbing his jacket as Patrick did the same, and they all left the bus, leaving me with Spencer and Joe, who was also very close to passing out as he kept saying random things. I couldn't help but laugh. That's when I felt my body getting weak, and my vision was getting blurry, as I also started feeling hot.

"Shi–shit, I'm not feeling well, Joe," I told him, but he was too out of it to respond. Unfortunately, Spencer was in the bathroom, and I didn't hear anything back from Joe. I started to panic because I didn't like this feeling. I rushed to the bathroom, knocking on the door.

"Sorry, I'm in here," I heard Spencer say. I couldn't say anything. My mind was going blank, and I couldn't think straight. That's when the door opened, and for the first time, I felt scared of him. He looked scary to me, but maybe it was just my eyes playing tricks on me.

"Are you okay, y/n?" He asked. I nodded but then shook my head. "No, I'm not. I'm just not sure what's going on here," I said, my words slurring slightly.

He laughed. "You are drunk. You only smoke, so your body is probably out of whack. Let's get you into my room."

He slowly walked me into his room, which was full to the brim with horror posters. Surprisingly, it looked super clean. Spencer sat me down on the bed. "Well, if you need anything, I'll be out here."

Before he left, I grabbed his hand, but I think I pulled it too hard because he stumbled and ended up on top of me. I felt my heart beating out of my chest, and my eyes were wide open, but I felt Spencer gently put his hand on my cheek. His head moved down, and our lips almost met when we heard the door to the bus open. Spencer jumped off me and left me alone in his room. I was still lying down, not wanting to get up, plus I didn't feel too drunk in this position, thankfully.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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