As Soft As the Rain...

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-inspired by "Too Sweet" by Hozier
-set in season one
-no warnings :D
-fem pronouns

You were new to the Outer Banks, having just moved from somewhere in Florida over the summer. Your parents had saved enough money to get the cheapest house on the good side of Kildare Island. It was on the very cusp of the good and bad parts of the island.

-1st person/your perspective-

My first week in Outer Banks had been unexciting, but I met a few girls yesterday. Sarah Cameron, Hannah Smith (made up), and Lucy Peters (also made up). They were very helpful with explaining the different tribes: Kooks and Pogues. Kooks lived on Figure 8, while Pogues lived on the Cut.

Sarah invited me to hang out at her house today to go to the beach and show me around.

After she picked me up, we walked along the shoreline, talking about life. The time flew right by, though, because soon enough the sun was setting and we were approaching a beat-up cabin. 3 boys were sitting at the beginning of the dock as we passed by.

"Hey cupcake, you new here? I haven't seen you around before." The blonde asked me. "Yeah, just moved from Florida," I responded. He made his way toward me with a cheap beer in his hand. His eyes were deep blue like the ocean, his hair was fluffy and perfect, and he smelled like beer and weed. But, I got a hint of old Colone.

"From which part? Orlando? Ft. Lauderdale?" He asked, intrigued. "More north, Quincy area," I said. "Interesting..." He smiled. "I'm JJ." He introduced himself. "Y/N." I smiled.

After a quick exchange of numbers and snaps, Sarah spoke up.

"We should be heading back now." Sarah pulled on my shorts to grab my attention. "Oh, yeah. Bye JJ." We started walking away. "See you around." He smirked.


We neared Sarah's house just as the sun dipped below the horizon and the moon came out. She was driving me home when she gave me this piece of advice.

"You should stay away from JJ. He's nothing but trouble." She looked as serious as could be. "Noted." I smiled.

-jj's perspective-

She was perfect. Her hair smelled like lavender, her smile was sweet as sugar, her voice was like the sound of rain during a nap, and her eyes. Her eyes were like a fresh breath of air. I thought of her for the rest of the night, while I was falling asleep, and when I woke up.

It can't be said I'm an early bird.
It's ten o'clock before I say a word.
Baby, I can never tell
How do you sleep so well?

10:00 a.m. My alarm clock goes off and I immediately check my phone. I got a message from y/n at 7:30 that morning. Jeez. How does she wake up so early?

heyy, are you up?

I quickly respond.

sorry just woke up

What time did she go to bed last night? 8:30?

You keep telling me to live right
To go to bed before the daylight
But then you wake up for the sunrise
You know, you don't gotta pretend, baby, now and then

usually, i wake up around the same time, but i wanted to see the sunrise from my house

Of course she did. She's perfect.

maybe i could join you sometime?


JJ Maybank One Shots/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now