Sick 2

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I don't remember how long I was out, but I woke to fast movement up from the bed. I felt loads better, just a slight headache. I lifted myself onto my forearms and saw JJ wasn't next to me, so I looked around and saw a light coming from the bathroom door.

I slowly pushed myself out of bed and walked over to the bathroom. I knocked three times.

"J, you okay?"

No reply...

I heard slight weeping but no voice."J, I'm coming in, okay?" I pushed the door open and saw JJ crouched next to the toilet, dry heaving.

I rushed over to him and pulled the hair out of his face that shags. My other hand rubbed circles on his back.

"You're okay. You'll be fine, I'm here." JJ stopped puking about 3 minutes later."I'll get you some water, and a toothbrush." I said softly, kissing his cheek lightly. He nodded. I went to grab the things, knowing that we had a spare toothbrush in the downstairs cabinet.

I soon arrived back up the steps to see JJ just staring at the floor, a few tears pricking his eyes. But when he saw me, he made grabby hands for me. I giggled and gave him the cup of water. Once he drank all he wanted, I put some of my toothpaste on the brush.

-Time Skip-

We were just laying in bed, JJ in between my legs so I could play with his hair. I had just touched his forehead and it was pretty hot when he said he was going to the bathroom. He got up and I noticed him sway a tad.

"You feel okay? See spots?" I asked, anxious that he might pass out...and he did.

"JJ!? Can you hear me? Hey, open your eyes for me bubba." I put his head in my lap."Shit!" I grabbed the phone from my pocket and dialed 911.

Hello, what's your emergency?

My boyfriend just passed out, he was sick earlier this morning, and I think he has a fever.

Please stay calm and tell me your address ma'am.

___ ___________ _

Okay, we're sending an ambulance over right now. Do you know what his temperatures at?

No, I just felt that his forehead was hot.


-Time Skip-

You were waiting for JJ to wake up. The only sound was the heart monitor.

"I'm so sorry I didn't look after you well enough." A tear slipped from your eye."Right now would be a good time to wake up." A few tears fell. I grabbed his hand."I know you'll be okay, and I don't really know why I'm crying right now. I guess I'm just worried." I closed my eyes as more salty tears ran down.

"Do you want me to cover the bill?" I opened my eyes to meet his ocean ones. I laughed through my tears."You wake up, still with a 103.1 fever and the first thing you wonder is if you will pay for the ambu ride and doctors bill. Only something you would do." He smiled.

"JJ, I'm so sorry-"

"Shut up. It's okay. You stayed calm and that's all that matters. I mean you could've done a bit more but-"

I laughed."You're cute."

JJ Maybank One Shots/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now