Keep Driving

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Inspired by the song Keep Driving by Harry Styles
Fluff and LIGHT smut

Black and white film camera
Yellow sunglasses
Ashtray, swimming pool
Hot wax, jump off the roof

JJ and I were hanging in the hot tub, like we always do. Even with John B and Sarah missing, Pope always complaining about how he lost his scholarship, and Kiara getting so high and drunk every night she forgets her name, we'd always find time for just us alone. Especially with everything going on.

I was wearing my daisy sunglasses as JJ and I smoked our hearts out. Yeah, we get high a lot, but we know when we are and don't push it like Kie.


"Yes princess?"

"Should I jump off the tree into here?" I asked only to be answered with light chuckling.

"No baby, you'll break your legs. We both erupted into a fit of giggles.

A small concern with how the engine sounds
We held darkness in withheld clouds
I would ask, "Should we just keep driving?"

After we finished in the basking bubbles, me and J got changed and went out into the Twinkie. I sat in the drivers seat, JJ always bickering about how "he wanted to be polite" and "the lady shouldn't have to drive everywhere." Which is true since John B was presumed dead.

We had no idea where we were gonna go, but we always just drive around for hours, especially at sunset.

Pope told us to be more careful as we were "burning gas money" and just in general he says that a lot. But this was me and JJ's time to get rid of the anxiety and stress of the world. Just with each other.

"Babe we need gas...again."

Maple syrup, coffee
Pancakes for two
Hash brown, egg yolk

|Skipping to the Morning|

"JJ!" I groaned as he yanked the bedding off of my now cold body. "I made breakfast, princess. Come eat before it gets cold!" He pouted, I always loved when he did that. It was something he only did around me 'cause he actually felt comfortable.

I walked out and saw grocery bags that still needed to be put away, but a delish plate of pancakes, and a plate of hash browns and scrambled eggs.

"Aw. Did you buy these yourself?" I asked as he handed me my plate of pancakes on the couch.

"No, Kie did." I smirked as he gave me the maple syrup. We ate our breakfast—me sneaking a couple of bites of his too—and headed outside on the porch to just chill.

I will always love you

"We have school tomorrow." I muttered as it was currently Sunday.

"Uh don't remind me." He groaned as he sipped his beer. I giggled as he played with my hair. "I'm probably gonna skip anyways."

"JJ!" I looked him in the eyes. "You have to go to school cause you need to learn to go to college. Also I'll be lonely if you dont."

He just laughed and kissed my hair.

"My only future plans are to marry you, Y/N/N"

"I love you" I giggled and gave him a passionate peck and hug.

A small concern with how the engine sounds
We held darkness in withheld clouds
I would ask, "Should we just keep driving?"
Should we just keep driving?

"I love doing this with you." JJ held my hand as I payed attention to the road. I giggled as he pet my hair gently. He slowly made his hand down to my thigh, moving up and down, then to my inside thigh. My lips curved into a big smile as I glanced at him. He had a cheeky grin as he knew what he was doing.

"Not now, I'm driving." I whined as he moved to kiss my neck

"Babe~" JJ moaned in my ear, then went back to kissing my neck.

"Mm?" I kept my lips shut knowing I would let out a moan.

"Yknow you're right, you should drive in peace." He whispered, kissed my neck, bit it, then said, "Finish when we get home, princess?"

Passports in footwells
Kiss her and don't tells
Wine glass, puff pass, tea with cyborgs

"JJ" I gasped as he pulled away.

"Yes princess?"

I calmed myself down and decided to ask a normal question.

"Can we go to Yucatán?" I asked as we had been talking about it for ever. He looked down a moment before moving his hands to my hips.

"Pull over."

Riot America, science and edibles
Life hacks going viral in the bathroom

I did and pulled into a small gravel area next to the ocean.

"Yknow when you were videoing your tiktok, you were making me go insane." He growled before putting up the arm rest in between our seats.

"JJ" I gasped.

His breaths were deep as he slowly undid my top, kissing me on my neck ever so slowly. I wanted more.

Cocaine, side boob
Choke her with a sea view
Toothache, bad move
Just act normal

He threw my top on the floor and ripped off his. He started kissing my neck down to my chest. I let out a soft moan as he kissed my left boob. His free hand came up to my neck as he softly gripped it, not wanting to leave a bruise. Behind both our moans was the waves crashing on the sand.

JJ slowly bit my nipple slowly, then started to bite a bit harder.

"Ow." I moaned as he bit it too hard. He didn't react much, just moved his lips back to mine, begging for entrance. My tongue was now joined with his. He grunted into the kiss as it got more rough.

"JJ" I gasped his name again.

"Yes princess?"

"I need you."

Moka pot Monday, it's all good
Hey, you
Should we just keep driving?
Should we just keep driving?
Ooh-ooh, ooh
Should we just keep driving?





I opened my eyes to see his gorgeous blue ones. "It's Monday, and I need coffee." He whined like a toddler. "You're lucky I love you." I giggled and sat up. He laughed.

I started the coffee and waited for it to fill. Soon enough it was ready, and I poured two cups of coffee adding creamer and caramel. I walked back into our room and gave JJ his cup.

"Thank you mamas." He smiled before his eyes went wide then back to normal.

"What?" I laughed at his reaction.

He pointed to his neck. I put down my cup and went on Snapchat. I saw 3 hickeys, one with a bite mark.

"JJ Maybank" I squealed before we both broke into a fit of giggles.

JJ Maybank One Shots/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now