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You and JJ are dating in this interest. The plot is basically, JJ finds out you're not getting enough sleep. I donnt know, honestly. I came up with this idea at like 4 am, so tell me if you like it.

I didn't know if anyone was awake yet, it was 5 am, I think. I was trying to finsh my school project that was due soon. I had been working on it everyday for the past 2 weeks or so, and without fail, I got 3 hours or less of sleep, everynight. And then of course there was my parents yelling, that didn't help. They've really been going at it for 2 months now, at this point i'm just waiting for one of them to pull out a divorce paper.

I needed to focus for my project, so starting 2 weeks ago, I was eating, drinking, and sleeping in the chateau. JB didn't mind, we've been best friends since 3rd grade or some shit. And JJ practically lives there too, he of course was happy to have me stay.

So I was finishing up my second to last paragraph, but I didn't know what last detail I should put in. I stressed over this the past couple of days. And I wa so focused, I didn't even hear JJ trying to make small talk with me, as he made breakfast.


I jumped and looked up as he touched my shoulder.

"Hmm?" He looked at me with worry in his eyes."You okay, baby? You've been acting a little different lately..."

"No i'm fine," I smiled at him before turning back to my project."So, do you wanna go out on the boat later with John B?"




"Y/n seriously! What is going on!?"

"Nothing." I didn't look up. I rested my cheek on the palm of my hand and closed my eyes."You know you can talk to me sweetheart..."

"Yeah," I sighed, tired as I didn't sleep last night. As I felt myself drifting off, I jerked awake, and looked at my paper. I rubbed my eyes to wake myself up. JJ walked over to me and rubbed my shoulders.

"You sure you okay princess? I didn't see you come to bed last night..."

"I'm fine J, I just need some air..." I got up, pecked him on the lips and went outside to the deck.

-JJ's Perspective-

Maybe she thought I hadn't noticed she hadn't been sleeping. I had, but I didn't realize it got this bad...

As y/n went out to the deck, I looked down at her paper. I had seen her on that same sentence a few days ago. Come to think of it, I hadn't seen her the past week not working on that paper. I picked up her pencil, and read her report.

It was good, so why was she stressing? Was it due soon? I want to help you, babygirl. I bit down hard on my lip and decided to finish the paragraph she was on. I sat up and slowly went to the dock where she was to get her opinion.

She was leaned up against a pole, with one of her feet in the water."Hey baby," she smiled."I uh- I finished the paragraph you were on..." I handed it to her and sat down next to the other pole.

I watched as she read it, and a smile appeared on her face. She got up and hugged me."You don't know how much i've been stressing over that. Thank you JJ." I softly took her chin and pecked her lips gently. She down close to me, and layed her head on my shoulder.

"Are you tired?" I asked interlocking our fingers."A little bit..."

"You wanna go lay down?" I looked into her eyes worriedly. She had bags under her eyes, and she looked tired as fuck. She looked down for a second before answering."Yeah," I smiled and picked her up bridal style, and carried her to the spare room.

JJ Maybank One Shots/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now