Me out

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Me pov (total not cause a forgot about her)

Me start to turn from were clara and martha were going and starts to head twords a tower

When she enters she heads to the lift and gose up when they get the last floor she starts to walk up to someone in a chair

Me: "they are heading tworeds the upgrade factory

?: "the doctor will not survive this fight"

Me: "doctors*"

?: "what"

Me: "theres 2"

?: "no matter they will both die"

The person in the chair turns the face me

?: "to the hands of The one waits"

Me: "hmm sure they will"

?: "excuse me"

Me: "i may not like the doctor but i would never wish for him or his to die"

Me jumps over the table knocking the person off of it and grabbing the gun that fell out of ther pocket getting up and pointing it at them


Me: "you sure"

?: "im Voxat"

Me: "you not bulletproof"

Me shoots the gun but it reflects off of them and hits the table Voxat gets up and looks at Me and punches her knocking her out

Voxat: "yes i am bulletproof"

Then they call for more cyber men as they hear the lift and see 2 cyber men

Voxat: "take her to the upgrade room"

Cyber men: "yes sir"

Then they here the lift again"

Clara: "fire"

Both doctors walk out and point there sonics making a laser that kills both cybermen

10th: "not so fast"

Doctor: "hi there"

10th & Doctor: "i'm the doctor"

Clara: "hi"

Voxat: "hmm calling all cybermen kill the doctors"

Doctor: "welp that lasted for about a minute before it didn't become fair"

As the doctor says this they point there sonic up

10th: "toodles"

The tardis appears around then and starts to fly away

10th: "my tardis"

The doctor starts to flick some buttons

Doctor: "open the door"

10th: "were in the time vortex"

Doctor: "just open the door"

The 10th doctor walks and opens the door to see his tardis and walks in

10th: "set up a tardis call"

Doctor: "on it"

Doctor who: The man who cant stop runningWhere stories live. Discover now