The River flows

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"She's not dead?"

"Hahah! ever since the Flux."

The Doctor froze up, now knowing his wife isn't dead. He gets shot by someone right before he passes out he hears a voice

"Hello, sweetheart."

As Aurora and Jack are going around all the room they remember the amount of floors they dropped

"Jack, if you shoot your gun. Wha-"

"Six round bolt action laser gun"

"Yea yea whatever, if you shot that straight up wouldn't hit the Toy Maker's room or the outside?"

"It should in theory." As Jack shoots his gun up, the bullet does go to the outside world, so they try to find a way up..

"Toy Maker."


"What do you want us to do with my hu..Doctor."

"Hmm, maybe shoot him- nah! fuck him! eww no maybe ah you know, let's make him relieve all of his companions deaths!"

"Ooh! That's truly evil! I love it!"

As Jack and Aurora get on top of the ball, they see everything around this is in chaos. Thousands of cybermen keep upgrading people as the big one, destroyed cities and towns, Jack and Aurora slide down the ball



"Has The Doctor ever failed before?"

"What do you mean to fail?"

"Like, failed to save the people how he wishes to protect."

"Yes, he has, but no one is perfect at what they do so The Doctor tries to protect every one but as more die, the harder he tries to protect the rest that are still alive."

"It's like The Doctor is in an endless war."

"Yea, I guess you're right."

"Does he ever take a break?"

"He did one time his 14th regeneration, after stopping the Toy Maker, he took a break with his companion at the time, Donna Noble."

"Did it help him?"

"Yea, he didn't have the full burden of the time war or Flux with him anymore."

"What Is the Flux?"

"The Flux were caused by 2 beings of great power who wanted to kill The Doctor so they destroyed half the universe in an attempt."

"Okay.. what was the time war then?"

"The time war was a war between the Time Lords and Daleks. The Doctor led the battle on the side of the Time Lords but the war seemed to never end, so The Doctor stole a weapon called the moment that would destroy the Time Lords and Daleks for good, but his 10th and 11th regeneration who were stuck with the burden of the time war helped The Doctor not use the moment, instead, they froze their planet in a painting using a item called a state's cube."

"Just three doctors?"

"Oh no-no, it was all the doctors regeneration from his first to the last one all of the doctor's regenerations."

"Oh. Okay."


"Let me out of this thing, you sick fucks!!"The Doctor yelled out in anger, struggling against the contraption.

"Haha! Now why would I do that?!"

The mysterious person locks the head set on The Doctor, making him watch a recap of all of his companions' deaths.

"No.. no no NO GET ME OUT OF THIS!!" "HELP!!"

"I hear him! But from where in the ball..?" "I don't know"



"Let's find a way in."

"Alright." As they start to run around trying to find a way in, they tried everything, they shoot the ball, destroy a Cybermen, they hold onto someone who is getting zipped up nothing but as they are doing this Aurora finds out the only way "Jack.."

"What?" "Your watch can travel in time and space. Right?"


"Lock it on to me, I'll get zapped by the ball and turned into one of the Cybermen. If it's the only way to get in."


"Why not?! We tried all of our ideas and nothing works! The sun was up when we started and it's now setting! Nothing works!" "

"Aurora I know you want to help The Doctor, but you need to know if you were to do this you would lose all free will your love, thoughts, body, sight and emotions."

"I don't give a shit, let me do this jack"

"Fine under one condition.."


"Don't tell The Doctor." A Jack says this, he knocks out Aurora before he runs behind a bush and sees a Cybermen drop down to pick her up. He locks her wrists and it goes into the ball where the Cybermen and aurora are. As he sees them lock up Aurora to a chair, he shoots all the cybermen in the room and tries to free aurora but hears her says

"Jack! Just stop! It's too late. The chair's locked- its dead locked. Nothing will open it. Just free The Doctor, I promise to give me as much time as I can."

Jack hears this and he tries on last thing, he places his watch on to Aurora and zaps out the chair but it doesn't work. So he tells Aurora one last thing before he runs "The Doctor's real name is-"

"Hmm, what do we do with the doctor? all of his files have been used to see all of their deaths."

"Wow! really?"

"Hmm. Oh, Doctor.."


"Are you by any chance..ticklish?"

The Doctor hesitated, "No."

Oh come on, everyone is a bit."

"I'm not ticklish anywhere go ahead and try you will not find me laughing.. hehe hey....WAIT WAIT NO-" The Doctor started to laugh like a happy child who's in a candy store. As the Toy Maker tickles The Doctor, Jack is running down the halls of the ball. He finds a room with file's so he walks in to see what they say, he sees two big ones, one's that say 'Doctor and another one' that was smudged out but looks to say --v-r. As he reads them, he sees that The Doctor has met this person many times but like the file cover their name is covered in the other file set. It's blank and there's nothing but a letter that says to Jack from The Doctor. When he opens it, it states go to room CM6 then shoot the second vent on the ground then take a left right then go up you should enter the room. Jack does what's on the letter he thinks about how did the doctor give him a letter telling him things he's already living but when he looked up the vent he saw the Toy Maker and a girl walk out has the Doctor is sitting there, in tears. When he popped the vent and released the Doctor, he exclaims

"Didn't know The Toy Maker can make you wet like that!

"Shut up.." As they get back into the vent into The Toy Maker's room and see someone next to to him

"Hi sweetheart.."


|Note: I'm not doing this many eps all the time at once i just forgot i have a Wattpad to keep up with lol (also i use i different program for my writing and then i post it so ya its not like i type fast)|

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