Good men go to war pt 1

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Doctor: "any thing"

14: "yes i found a conection oh no"

Doctor: "what"

14: "shes out side of time and space"

Doctor: "were the void"

14: "the toy makers dimension"

Doctor: "Rose Dona stay here 14 ready to get her back"

14: "wait could you go to your tardis and prep to start going"

Doctor: "ok"

Both doctors walk past each other as 14 takes his sonic out of 20ths pocket and puts it in his"

14: "Rose Dona i hope you both the best of luck with out me"

Rose: "take this"

As rose hands the 14th doctor a small stfed version of him

Rose: "this was the first thing i made after you started living with us"

14: "thank you illl keep it safe"

14 turns to look at dona

14: "dona keep her safe and promes me you will help any version of me when they come here"

Dona: "of corse wait"

Dona starts to walk twords a safe and unlocks it

Dona (wisper): ""

Dona walks over to the 14th doctor and hands him a gun

Dona: "it was Wilfred Mott he wanted you to have it"

14: "i dont use guns but i will keep it cause i have i fealing ill need it"

Doctor: "oie long boy you coming"

14: "shut up"

14 starts to run over to there tardis and connects a call between the taridses"

Doctor: "if were doing this we need help"

14: "ahead of you"

They both go and get people

Doctor: "hello Jack i need you"

Jack: "doctor"

Doctor: "what happened"

Jack: "somone walked in hear went to kate killed her and took her phone"

Doctor: "ok"

Jack walks in the tardis

Jack: "weres Aurora"

Doctor: "thats what i need your help for shes gone"

Jack: "your gonna need more then just me"

Doctor: "i plan on geting more"

The doctor types in number and starts to fly

14: "hello Rory Williams"

Rory: "doctor"

14: "long story i need the centurion"

Rory: "why"

14: "somone ill meet in the futer is in danger ill explain in the tardis"

?: "rory who is that"

14: "Amelia"

Amelia: "raggedy man"

14: "i need your husband for something"

Amelia: "will he be safe"

14 walks out of the tardis and walks closer to Amelia

14: "i can not promis you hes safety"

Amelia: "then im coming with you"

14 looks at Rory rory nods"

14: "you sure were going to war"

Amelia: "did it onse ill do it again"

They all walk back into the tardis

The doctor lands the tardis and walks out

?: "doctor"

Doctor: "hello Me (yes thats there name)"

Me: "hi doctor what do you need"

Doctor: "a warrior you up for the ob"

Me: "what do i get out of it"

Doctor: "a tardis key for any tardis"

Me: "ok im in lets do it"

Me walks into the tardis

The doctor starts a call with 14

14: "ya whats up you got every one"

Doctor i got jack and me"

14: "i got Rory and Amilia"

Doctor: "we need more"

14: "i have a few ideas ill get them"

Doctor: "i have my own idea"

14 Starts to fly the tardis head towards London's Paternoster Row and lands the tardis

14: "strax"

Strax: "hello doctor what do you need"

14: "help with a war"

Strax: "im in"

?: "a war"

14: "hello Madame Vastra"

Mv: "hello"

?: "who is it"

14: "Jenny Flint"

Jenny: "hello doctor"

14: "i need you both for a fight"

Jenny: "what fight"

14: "a fight for a friend"

Strax: "ill get my gun"

Mv: "get are swords please"

Starx: "got it"

14: "so yall in"

Mv: "i said grab my sword dident i"

14: "ill take that as a yes"

Strax: "got the swords"

Strax tosses Jenny and Madame Vastra there swords"

They all walk into the tardis

The doctor walks out of the tardis

River: "hello doctor"

Doctor: "i need to for a fight"

River: "what happened"

Doctor: "Aurora got kidnapped"

River: "who im i shooting"

Doctor: "a few people were going to war"

River: "im in"

They walk into the tardis

The doctor starts to fly the tardis

Meeting 14 in a pocket univers to tell every one the plan

They all walk out the tardis 14 looks up and sees

14: "river"

River: "hello sweaty"

They all start talking about there plane

?: "sir they are planing to fight us"

The one who waits: "let them they want a fight ill give them one"

As he says this she summon enemies of the doctor the Dalek,cybermen, weeping angel, and more all with red eyes

The one who waits: "Doctor your never going to get your friend back"

Doctor who: The man who cant stop runningUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum