Mysteries in America (Season 3)

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The doctor looks around and heads back into the tardis and starts to head to all across america to look at landmarks like the statue of liberty, the bean, and more after i wile he gose to a shop at 11pm and knocks on the door

Doctor: "Hello hello it says your open"

?: "NO were closed"

Doctor: "why"

?: "get your ass in here"

The doctor walks and gose behind the chashi table

Doctor: "so why are you hiding"

?: "do you not know about the creachers"

Doctor: "what creatures...Daleks...Cyber men"

?: "no we dont know there names on flys high above the buildings another lives in the forests waiting and a nother livens in the local rivers"

Doctor: "hmm ok what els do you know"

?: "one is like a man but has wings that are the size of a car doors"

Doctor: "ok"

?: "a nother is tall biger then anything i have ever sean and wears the head of what looks like a dear"

Doctor: "ok"

?: "that last one lives in water and is rarely sean but makes storms and leams to have a neck that towers over any thing"

Doctor: "ok see ya"

?: "are you mad"

Doctor: "yes i im"

The doctor leaves the shop and closes the door as he heads back to his tardis and walks in as the doors close behind him

Doctor: "tardis can you make me a sandwich and a cup of lemon tea"

The tardis beeps like its annoyed

Doctor: "oh i ask for 1 think and im the jackass"

The tardis beeps again and the wall opens and a try flies out and lands on the counsel that has tea and a ham sandwich on it

Doctor: "thanks"

The doctor pulls up a chair and starts to research on the tardis

(3 hours later)

The doctor finds something a selects on it to see more

Doctor: "Moth m-..."

The tardis shakes valiantly\

Doctor: "the fuck"

The doctor walks to the door and opens it and walks out and sees it pitch black out and loos around and sees nothing and walks back as something flies over the tardis

The doctor gose back to researching but it starts to rain

Doctor: "hmm it was clear 5 seconds ago?....Tardis pull up a feed of out side"

The tardis pulls up a fead as the doctor looks at it he sees what looks like a head coming out of the river he was near and dives back down

Doctor: "what"

(new edition because i'm a nerd and i wanted something to comurate mat pat leaving)

The doctors phone starts to ring as the doctor picks it up and hears something


The doctor recognized the voice and looked at the date and realized it was march 9th and feals sad because he's loved watching his videos but couldn't dwell on it to long

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