The Aurora

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Narrator: As this nicely dressed man walks into your clothes shop, he asks you if you.  could show him where the suits are. As you show him the suits

?: "Hi, I'm the Doctor."

?: "Aurora, what type of suit were you looking for, Doctor."

Doctor: "Hmm, something cool like bow ties."

Aurora: "Ok, so how about this nice smooth black leather like your boots. It's warm and works with any bow ties."

Doctor: "How much is it?"

Narrator: As he asks about the price, you hear an explosion. He grabs the suit and runs towards the sound. As you follow, you see him pull out a stick that starts making a sound that makes all the doors in the store open.
As he runs in the game store.
Doctor: "Get out!"

Narrator: As you see a metal man, it starts to say,

?"Doctor, the one who destroyed my planet."

Doctor: "Your planet was destroyed by the zocroyed, not me."

?: "Who brought them to my planet then?"

Doctor:  "NOT ME!!"

Narrator: As the Doctor is telling the metal man this. You see one of its legs tap on an electrical wire as the building loses its power and all the lights turn off, making it pitch black. As the doctor points his weird wand to the sky, you hear a wheezing noise, and a phone box appears in front of him.

Doctor: "If you want to find who destroyed your planet, then I'll show you."

Narrator: The weird metal man walks into the box, the man walks in behind, then you feel a heavy wind and hear a wheezing sound as it vanishes. You turn around and head to your locker to get your things, then leave. You hear the same sound behind you as the same phone box appears. The man walks out

Doctor: "Hide!"

Narrator: He runs out, you see a metal man fly down to him and try to shoot him with a laser.

Doctor: "You don't have to kill all these people!"

?: "We are not killing them. We are upgrading them."

Narrator: You see another one of them in the store grabbing a woman she yells.

Woman: "HELP ME!"

Narrator: As the doctor starts to run over

Doctor "Back off!"

Narrator: He points his wand at the man as it falls down. He slips against the floor and grabs the woman, backing into a corner

Doctor: "I'm the Doctor. I'm 2,598 years old, and you're on my planet."

?: "You destroyed my planet, Doctor, we will destroy yours!"

Doctor: "Don't you dare. I'm sorry that Mondas is gone, but you can't destroy other planets for fun!"

?: "We are not destroying the planet until all on this planet are upgraded."

Narrator: As the metal man says this, the doctor looks at you and gestures to the gold watch on the counter

Doctor: "Aren't you weak to gold?"

Narrator: As he says that, you run up to the watch and toss it over to the doctor, which it lands on the metal man's head, making it drop to the ground. The Doctor looks at you.

Doctor: " You girl, help me out"

Narrator: He runs as you follow him

Doctor: "Gold! we need gold!"

Aurora:  "Why, what were those things? And WHO ARE YOU!?"

Doctor: "They're Cybermen. They want one thing and only one,that's to 'upgrade' every living thing here and there in this mall to kill all of you. "

Aurora: "Okay.. but who are you?"

Doctor: "I'm The Doctor."

Aurora:  "Doctor who?"

Doctor: "Heh, always love people saying that."

Narrator: As you look ahead, you see one of the Cybermen in front of you. The Doctor goes in front of you

Doctor: "There's a piece of gold in my back pocket. Get it."

Narrator: As you get it, the Cybermen shoot at you. The Doctor turns around, pulls you down, and ducks while throwing the piece of gold at the Cybermen.

Cyberman: "Doctor, you can not stop us. this time, the great metal will rise. "

Doctor: "What's the great metal?"

Narrator: As the doctor asks this. The Cyberman flies away as The Doctor turns to you

Doctor: "We should be fine for now. How are you feeling?"

Aurora:  "I'm fine, Doctor."

Narrator: You start running out the mall and see a group of Cybermen building something as others start to fly down to you. The Doctor, he starts to point his wand at the sky as you close your eyes. You feel a strong burst of wind and a wheezing sound. As you open your eyes, you see you're inside the box

Doctor: "This is the Tardis. It stands for Time and Relative Dimension in Space and its mines."

Narrator: You start looking around in aw.

Doctor&Aurora: "It's bigger on the inside!"

Narrator: The doctor starts to flick a plethora of buttons and flick many switches. You feel a lift of air as he looks at a screen

Doctor: "Let's go find what great metal is."

Narrator: When you stop feeling the lift of air, you start walking to the door. When you walk outside, you see you are now in the past. The Doctor walks out

Doctor: "This is the same spot but 65 million years ago."

Narrator: As you start to look around at all the plants, you start to see a T-rex

Doctor "They're in the sky."

Narrator: A falling object that looks like a bigger cybermen falling to them, the doctor runs inside the Tardis pulling you back in.

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