Round 2

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"Doctor, what's the next game?"

"Hmm, maybe cards, the ball, darts, puzzles. Oh! I know! How about a puzzle?" As the Toy Maker says this, Jack, Doctor and Aurora are all sent to a room with many puzzles inside of it.

"An escape room! I love these.. Okay, let's start with one puzzle and the d-" "Doctor found the way out!"


"Ruin my fun, why not?"As they run to the next room, they see a Dalek

"Motherfucker!" As the Doctor moves in front of the Dalek to use the Sonic

"Doctor, the last Time Lord. Or is he even a Time Lord."

"Who was that?!"

"The Dalek." The Doctor runs up to the Dalek to break its shell and tells Jack at the same time to

"Stay and protect Aurora!"

"On it."

As The Doctor breaks the shell to reveal the real Dalek, it says

"Doctor, I thank you." The Doctor uses its own gun to shoot it right before Jack and Aurora fall into a room. They fall and Jack catches Aurora as Jack and Aurora start to run down the room, they hear The Doctor talking to the Toy Maker

"Doctor, who's your wife again?"

"River song."

"Ah right, the one who tried to kill you but you 'fixed her' Ehh Why? Do you turn everyone you meet into one of your goody little friends who will just eventually die?"


"Yes, Aurora?"

"Am I gonna die by helping the doctor?"

"Maybe, he tries his best not to hurt his friends but you're on the planet with things. The Doctor can't stop. But me and The Doctor will try our best to keep you safe."



"Oh, Doctor! I would never hurt a woman." "Oh really?!"

"Huh? fine she may or may not have survived the library.. and is out there but with her memory before the library."


|Note: I'm to lazy to make the lay out like the others and i did in the later parts but for now deal with it|

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