she finds you kissing a girl

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Taylor Swift: Mother

You: Female & 17

You and your girlfriend, Hailey, were sitting sitting on the couch in the living room watch Grey's Anatomy. Your mom had gotten you hooked to the show and you loved every time your mom's cats were mentioned; even though you knew they were named based on the characters, it made you laugh. You were snacking on some gummies Travis had got you the other day while your girlfriend ate some popcorn. Halfway through the episode, you turned your head over to lay on Hailey's chest just to see her staring at you.

"Babe, you're staring," you say, chuckling.

"Am I?" she asks, not taking her eyes off of you.

You look into her eyes to see her staring mainly at your lips which made you blush even more. The movie became background noise as you both stared at each other; you into her eyes and her at your lips. 

"You have something on your lips," she whispered.

You lick your lips and wipe your mouth with a tissue thinking she was actually being serious. She holds back a small laugh before playfully rolling her eyes.

"I'll get it," she said, before connecting her lips with yours.

She moved closer to you and pulled you onto her lap, her hands finding their way to your hips as you tangled your hands into her brown, silky hair. As her hands travelled under your shirt, the front door creaked open and you jumped out of her lap. You look behind you to see your mother staring at the both of you with wide eyes and confusion, which quickly turned into anger. 

"M-mom, you're not suppose to be home for another hour," you stammer, confused.

"Jack had an emergency meeting so we ended the session an hour earlier," she responded, her voice rushed and somewhat angry. 

She points at your girlfriend and says "you, you need to leave," and points at the door. Hailey hurries out, not even putting on her shoes properly, and you give her an apologetic look as she leaves. As the door closes, Taylor looks back at you and says "now you, you sit your ass down."

"I can't believe you! Bringing a girl to my house and going behind my back to make out with her under my roof!" she yells, pacing back and forth.

Your heart sinks as you realize how upset your mom was about you bringing over your girlfriend. You thought she would understand based on the songs she had written, like you need to calm down and what she had said, but maybe you were wrong. As she yelled at you about having a girl over, your heart shattered over and over again. You were so scared to tell her because you heard how your girlfriend's parents reacted to her being a lesbian, but Hailey convinced you your mom isn't like that, and hearing her words made you want to die.

"What were you thinking? Sneaking that girl into my house! And kissing her and that too in a way which looks like you would have taken it further, on my fucking couch!" 

"I-i I'm sorry, mom. I-i I didn't chose to be this way, I'm sorry I like girls," you whisper, tears slipping down your face.

Your mother's face pales as she shakes her head and rushes over to your side. She engulfs you in a hug and says "honey, I am not mad about your sexuality, I am upset you snuck someone into my house. You are always loved no matter who you love, and I will support you. It's just dangerous to sneak someone into my house and you know you have to ask me before bringing someone home."

"I just wanted to spend time with her and I was scared you'd get mad that I was dating a girl," you admit, looking down.

"I would never, and if someone of my songs haven't made it clear, I will support you no matter your sexuality, you can like who you want. But you will not sneak anyone, not a boy or girl, into my house ever again, understand?" she asks, her voice turning stern again.

"Yeah, mom," you say, relived that you don't need to hide anymore.

"You're still very much grounded, but after two weeks, I would love to meet your girlfriend, if I didn't scare her off," you mom says, a small smile on her lips.

"I think you did, that look on her face as she left, as cute as it was, she was terrified," you chuckle.

Taylor laughs and kisses your forehead before taking away your phone. You weren't really upset about being grounded because you knew you deserved it. You were just happy you didn't have to hide Hailey from your mom and it felt like a weight was lifted off your chest.

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