too much work

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Taylor Swift: Mother

Y/n: Female & 16

Request by Tomacross

Your grandma, Andrea, always talked about how Taylor managed to finish high school with all A's and a perfect 4.0 GPA while making albums and how she was the perfect kid, it put pressure on you to do the same. You really wanted to do great and keep up your mom's legacy by also getting perfect grades while taking hard classes. You were taking six AP courses while the other two were honors courses which you knew would be very tough. Your mom warned you that it would be too much pressure but you took it anyway.

You got a 96 on your last test but you couldn't even feel happy for yourself because you had too many other things to worry about. You had two tests on Monday and three the day after and your history teacher assigned a 45 page reading due in two days, that wasn't even half of all the work you needed to do. You were so busy trying to create a schedule in your head that you completely forgot that you promised your mom you'd hang out with her today because it was Friday.

"Hi, baby, how was school?" Taylor asked, as she picked you up.

"Fine," you answer.

"Did you learn anything new?" she asked.

"Yep," you answered again.

"So what did your friends say?"

"Mom, I need a minute," you sigh, leaning your head against the window.

"Oh, alright," she says.

The car ride was completely silent except for your mom's soft humming. It would usually calm you down and make you fall asleep, but not today. You were falling into a panic attack and you tried to hold in all your tears. Once you both walked in, Taylor started talking to you about the plan she came up with. 

"Okay so I was thinking we go out for dinner and then we go to a movie, any one you'd like, and then ice cream," she said, with a huge smile.

"No thanks, I have homework," you sighed.

"You can do it tomorrow, come on, baby," she said.

"No, mom! I have homework!" you exclaimed.

"Hey, watch it. And also, it'll be fun," Taylor presses.

"I can't fucking do it, mom! I have six tests next week and I have so much homework I barely eat my lunch because I have no time. I tell you i'll eat dinner later but I don't cause I'm doing homework. I have a shit ton of things to do so I can't go out!" you scream, running into your room.

Taylor stands there in shock as she processes all the information you just told her. It reminded her of when she was younger, she felt this pressure to be perfect which you were feeling now. After about ten minutes, she walked into your room to see you sobbing while doing your homework. She came up behind you and shut your laptop while kissing the top of your head.

"Mom! What's wrong with you! Why would you do that?" you yell, as you try to open your laptop.

Taylor took a deep breath trying not to yell at you for what you just said and remembering you were in stress. She easily pulled you up and wrapped you in a hug which just made you sob more. She helped you into the bed and she held on to you while you cried.

"Mom, let me go, I need to do my homework, I don't have much time," you said, in between sobs.

"Babe, take a look at yourself, you're not doing homework today or tomorrow. I will talk to your teachers if I have to," she said, gently but firmly.

"I know how it feels to need to be perfect because you feel like you need to follow in someone's footsteps. But it's completely okay and it's good to take a break once in a while and focus on your mental health."

You listened as you cried, you couldn't stop anymore. You let out all your emotions and you were starting to feel lighter. Taylor held you as you cried, completely soaking her shirt. She played with your curls and occasionally kissed your head.

"I'm gonna help you, okay, with whatever you need. But tomorrow we're going to spend some time away from homework and just relax, I promise I won't let you fall behind," she said, comfortingly.

"You're gonna be okay, my love," she said, once you stopped crying as much.

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