you get in a fight

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Taylor Swift: Mother

Betty: Female & 16

"She's such a slut, like she's just using Travis,"

"I know right, I'd be ashamed to be her kid,"

Betty couldn't take it anymore, all of lunch the popular girls wouldn't stop talking about her mother. They know nothing about her, they didn't know how hard she work or how many times she's been hurt and it took every ounce of her strength not to say anything. She saw how the comments affected her and she couldn't just let it happen.

"Do you know her? Do you know anything about her? You fucking don't, so don't say shit about my mom!" Betty yelled, grabbing everyone's attention.

"We were just joking," one of the girls scoffed.

"No you weren't, you were talking shit about my mother," Betty snapped.

"Is that a problem?" another one asks.

"Yes, it is," Betty answered, full of attitude.

Betty winced as she felt a sting on her face as blood ran from her nose and onto her shirt. Before she knew it, three girls were punching and kicking her when she was on the ground. Using the anger as fuel, Betty kicked them back, sending them flying into the table. The fight went on for a bit until Betty walked away knowing she'd already be in big trouble.

Her mom always preached about peace and how you shouldn't respond with violence and she just got into a fist fight at school. Betty cleaned up her face but she was too scared to touch the huge cut on her stomach. It literally split her skin in two and you could see her flesh. Not knowing what to do, Betty tied a bunch of paper towels to her waist and decided to go to the nurses office.

On the way there, she saw the principal who didn't listen to her please but instead dragged her into his office. All five girls involved were already there with their take tears and sob stories.

"We already called everyone's parents. The main people that were involved were Betty and Ashley so you both will need to stay so we can have a talk. The rest of you are suspended for three days.

Betty looked over at Ashley who seemed fine except for the three small cuts on her face and the black eye which Betty didn't give her. She just ducked and the other person punched Ashley instead of her. And she was sitting over here with her stomach sliced open and held together with paper towels.

With in five minutes, all the parents collected their kids and Taylor and Ashley's mom, Marinda, were both sitting net to their children in the office. Betty looked up and she could see the anger in her mom's eyes and her knuckles were white from gripping the chair.

"Mom, Principal Adams, Betty came up to us out of no where, she was sitting in front of us and all of a sudden she just started yelling. She threatened to hit us because we didn't want to give her our math homework answers. We got scared she would hit us so I pushed her back. Then she hit us and my friends helped me and look at what she did," Ashley whined.

Betty's head started to ring as her stomach felt really weird. She could feel the paper touching her flesh and it burned.

"Fine, since you're not talking, show us your math homework. The camera's don't have volume but based on the looks of it, Betty was yelling," the principal said.

"It hurts to speak. And I didn't do it but that wasn't the reason," Betty panted out.

"She has one scratch on her face, how can it hurt?" Ashley asked.

"Fine, since Betty won't cooperate, Ashley you'll be suspended for a week and Betty you're suspended for two,"

"I am so sorry about my daughter. I will pay for the treatment for her eye, I'm really ashamed of what my daughter did, I'll make sure she won't ever do that again," Taylor said, sympathizing Ashley.

As they both walked to the car, Taylor was ten strides ahead while Betty limped behind her. She struggled to get in the car and could barely sit as the seatbelt dug into her cut.

"Mom- I don't wanna hear it Elizabeth,"

"We need to go to the hospital," Betty said.

"For the cut on your face?" taylor asked, sarcastically.

"No- Look, I'm not in the mood right now, be quiet"

"They called you a slut,"

She could feel the car shake a little as Taylor lost control of the wheel for a second. She wanted to get Taylor's attention but she felt horrible for saying it.

"Still, that's no excuse,"

"They cut my stomach in half," Betty reveals.

She felt the car speed up before Taylor made a sudden stop on the side of the road. Taylor opened the Betty's door and turned her around. Taylor crouched down and pulled up Betty's shirt to see the blood soaked paper towels. She carefully pulled it up to see the flesh-showing cut. Taylor gasped in horror as she pulled it down. She started to drive, speeding through the empty road. None of them talked, they both just sat in silence.

"Mom, it hurts," Betty cried while waiting in the emergency room.

Both Taylor and Betty were sobbing as Andrea ran into the room to see them both. Taylor filled her in on everything and all three of them sat there. Taylor was a mess and couldn't say a thing so Andrea talked to the doctors while Taylor held her daughter.

"We're taking her into surgery right now, we can't wait," the doctor said, pushing the bed out the room, leaving just Taylor and Andrea.

"Mom, I messed up, I got mad at her, I didn't know," Taylor sobbed.

"Everything will be okay, she's gonna be okay, you can talk it out with her when she comes back," Andrea reassures.

After six hours of painfully walking back and forth and tugging at her hair, Taylor finally receives the message that her daughter is awake. They wheel Betty back into the room who now had a tight piece of heavy fabric wrapped tightly against her waist.

"She needs to be on bedrest, she can not sit up straight, going to the bathroom is an exception. Your next visit is in two weeks and everything about taking care of her is on here," the doctor says, handing them a couple papers.

"Baby," Taylor said, sitting by her daughter's side.

"Mom, it hurts so much but I physically can't cry," Betty said.

Taylor ran her thumb over the girl's hand and she bent forward and placed a kiss on her daughter's forehead. Taylor couldn't find the right words to say, she didn't know what to do.

"Baby, I am so sorry I didn't listen to you, I should've known, you're not the kind of person to do shit like that, I'm so sorry," Taylor apologized.

"Is there anything I can do to make it up? I'm gonna call and talk to the school and I will not be paying for that girl's eye treatment." Taylor informs.

"Mom, can you just hold me?" Betty asks.

"Of course, my sweet girl," Taylor replies.

Taylor scoots in next to Betty and carefully pulls the girl into her lap without moving Betty from her sleeping position. Betty laid her head back on her mother's chest and closed her eyes. Her mother's hand rubbing her shoulder and playing with her curls blocked out the pain by the 13 stitches sewn into her skin. She could feel herself drifting off listening to her mother's heartbeat and feeling her chest rise up and down.

"Good night, my love," Taylor said, looking at her daughter's droopy eyes.

"Night, mama,"

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