Chapter One: No Vlogging in the House

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Chapter song: "Do it with a Broken Heart" by Taylor Swift

six months later...

    Drew Gooden stared down at the growing pile of papers on his coffee table. Ever since Danny left, chores had been harder to manage, but Drew would never admit he needed help, not to himself or anyone else.

    He ran a hand through his pale brown hair and chewed the inside of his cheek. He really should organize that paperwork soon, but that meant facing what was at the bottom of the pile. Divorce papers. Drew sucked in a quick breath and decided it would be a project for another day. He had to make lunch for Joe before Logan came to pick him up for the weekend.

    As much as he hated Logan, and hated parting with their son, Drew was actually looking forward to a break. He'd clean the house, exercise for the first time in weeks, and maybe even film a video. It'd been a while, and now that he was floating the mortgage on one income, Drew needed those sweet sweet merch sales. Everything had been so much easier to juggle when Danny was around...

    No. Drew wouldn't let himself go there. Fantasizing about the perfect life he and his ex could be having only made things ten times worse when he had to return to reality. Drew didn't need Danny, he told himself. He didn't need anyone.

    "Joe, wash up for dinner," Drew called across the kitchen to his son, who had been coloring quietly at the dining table.

    "Okay!" Joe said in that adorable sing-song voice of his, slamming his workbook shut and jumping to his feet.

    Drew plated two hamburgers and gave the onions one final stir before sliding them on top of his patty, careful not to touch Joe's burger with any onion juice. Joe, like Danny, hated onions.

    Stop. Drew thought to himself. Stop thinking about Danny. You know he isn't thinking about you.

    "Dad?" Joe piped carefully. "You look sick."

    "Honey, that's a rude thing to say to someone," Drew scolded, holding the back of his hand to his forehead anyway. He did feel a little warm...

    "I mean," Joe racked his brain for the right word, "sad."

    "I look sad?" Drew asked, forcing a smile as he sat down to eat across the table from his son.

"Yeah, sad." Joe nodded, mouth full of hamburger. He drummed the table with his greasy fingers and took another bite, spewing crumbs everywhere. They were still working on vocabulary...and table manners.

"I'm not sad, baby," Drew lied.

"I'm sad," Joe said.

"You are?" Drew asked, fake smile faltering.

"I miss Danny."

Just then, there was a knock at the door.

Drew never once imagined he would think this, but thankfully, Logan Pail was there. Ignoring Joe's comment, Drew leaped to his feet to answer the door.

"Hey, is Joe ready?" Logan asked, peering inside.

"Almost, we're finishing up lunch. I'll send him out when we're done." Drew tried to shut the door, but Logan caught it with his foot.

"Mind if I come in? Gotta piss," He explained.

Drew rolled his eyes but reluctantly let Logan in. There was always something...

"Dad!" Joe ran to Logan, who lifted him into the air before they settled into a hug. Drew eyed Logan suspiciously as the blonde Disney Channel has-been sauntered to the bathroom. He was an irritating, awful man, but still, he'd always been there for their kid. Surprisingly, Drew and Logan had, for the most part, managed to successfully co-parent. But now that Danny was out of the picture, Logan always seemed to be trying to weasel back into Drew's life.

A few minutes passed, and Drew wondered if Logan was floating a lil' stinker of his own. Ten more minutes went by, and Drew started to worry. He was about to knock on the bathroom door when he heard Logan speaking...

"What's up Logang, today I'm filming my baby daddy's reaction to asking him to get back together-"

For the first time since Danny left, Drew felt something stronger than emptiness. He felt rage.

"Joe," he exclaimed. "Go to your room, please."

Normally, Joe would have argued, but Drew had on his angry face, so the six-year-old just obliged. The second Joe's door shut behind him, Drew barged into the bathroom.

"Logan!" He yelled, like he was training his dog to go pee outside. "We agreed. No vlogging in the house, remember?" He could practically see the cartoony flashback happening in Logan's tiny pea brain.

"Can you yell a little quieter? Don't want the audio distorted," Logan requested, backing up so that they could both be in the frame.

"No!" Drew tried to cover his face with his hands, "Turn your camera off!"

"I can't." Logan shrugged. "Gotta get that content. You understand, don't you?"

Drew stomped away with an aggravated sign, Logan following close behind, camera in tow.

"Don't get mad! Seriously, I can't turn it off. I don't know how. Usually, Jake does it for me. I only know how to start recording, and he only knows how to stop. Ooh, hamburgers! Mind if I film a reaction video to your cooking?" Logan asked, rambling obliviously.

"No! I mean yes, I do mind!" Drew half-shouted, but it was too late. Logan had already shoved the second half of Drew's now cold hamburger into his weirdly small mouth.

"That's nasty," Logan commented, spitting out his tongue to prove his distaste. "Luckily, with today's sponsor, you don't have to be a good cook to eat well! Hello Fresh is-"

Drew had enough. He lunged for Logan's camera, and chucked it into the wall, effectively smashing it to bits.

"Yooooo, not cool, bro." Logan groaned, pulling out a second camera (already filming) from between his ass cheeks.

"For the love of-"

"Hey! No swearing. I don't wanna get demonetized."

"You're a joke, Logan! You always have been!" Drew hollered, swiftly knocking Logan's camera aside. "If I could go back in time I would...I would..."  As much as Drew hated Logan, despised him, even, he couldn't say it. He loved his son, and couldn't bring himself to say he regretted having the baby.

"Would what, Drew?" Logan grumbled.

Drew looked away. "I hate you," He said. "And...I want sole custody."

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