
I watch her from across the dancefloor.
Her long black hair is up in a tight long ponytail.
My eyes travel down her body , she's wearing a loose black hoodie with a band print on it.
My eyes drop lower to the short leather skirt she's wearing that barely covers her thighs.
My eyes move back up to her hips as she starts dancing , moving her hips in a sensual way.
Her body moves as if she's the music itself.

I look back up at her face only for my eyes to crash with her own.
Her eyes are dark and alluring.
My heart skips a beat.
She smiles as she dances , holding my gaze.
God she's sexy.

I feel myself getting hard just from watching her dance and maybe a little bit from the drinks I've had before now..
That's when I feel a hand cup my crotch , my eyes flash to the blonde I was dancing with.
Ofcourse she thinks that's her doing.
Instead of entertaining her I drop my hands from her waist and glare at her.
She frowns as she catches my look.
"What's wrong baby-" she starts.
I grunt "I'm not your baby sweetheart."
The girls mouth drops open as if I just told her I killed her dog.
"But-" she starts but I walk away.

I walk over to the black haired girl who's back is turned to me now as if she's lost interest.
I smirk.
Ignoring me now huh ? Just my type.


I'm dancing when I feel hands slip onto my hips.
I glance down at the hands , they're covered in rings making viens pop out even more than they already seem to do naturally, the nails are painted red.
I notice the tattoos that seem to go up his arms.
It's him.
The red haired guy.
I grin and bite my lip when he pulls me into his chest and I feel his breath on the shell of my ear.
"Xavier." He says.
His voice is rough and husky as I feel his hands start to guide my hips.

I only chuckle in response as I start dancing against him to the sensual music.
I lean my head back against his shoulder when I feel his hips moving with mine , his hands guiding me with ease.
I move my hand up his neck before I move my hand into the back of his hair , still not facing him.
When the beat of the song drops his hands move from my hips up my waist , his hands firm on my body yet calm.

I arch my back slightly and move down against him ,my ass brushing against his crotch, I hear him grunt before his hand moves to my lower back suddenly , I arch into his touch before he pushes me down , making me bend over against him.
My blood rushes through my body like a spreading fire.

His other hand is still on my waist untill moves it up to my chest and up before he grabs my throat , gentle yet firm.
He uses his hold on me to pull be back up.
I lean my back against his chest panting slightly.
Fucking hell this guy knows what he's doing.
My heart is racing in my chest when his hand moves back down to my waist , that's when he spins me around swiftly before he grabs my hips a bit more roughly and pulls me into him once more.
I'm facing him now.

I look at him , I'm panting.
He looks down at me.
He really is fucking tall.
I watch as he licks his full lower lip before he talks "what's your name ?"
I let out a breathless chuckle , he smirks.
I wrap my arms around his neck as we continue dancing to the music at a slower pace.
"Jinx." I say.


Zayne's talking when suddenly he looks over at something and his face hardens.
Before I can ask or even see what he's looking at he's up and walking over to the dancefloor , I get up and follow when my eyes land on.. Xavier ?!
The hell is he doing here ?
Then my eyes move to Jinx.
And his hands on her hips, this can't be good.

Before I know what I'm doing I step infront of Zayne making him stop in his tracks, he looks at me with a mix of confusion and frustration.
I put my hand on his chest "don't- just let me handle this-" I rush out.
"Vin." He says my name but I turn around and walk onto the dancefloor , I grab Xavier's arm and pull him away from Jinx and away from the dancefloor.

Xavier turns to look at me when I finally stop dragging him to the side before his face twists from confusion to surprise to more confusion "vin ? What are you-" he starts.
"Shut up. Listen. You can't mess with her." I tell him.
He looks like he doesn't register my words as he places his hands on the sides of my head.
"What did you do to your hair- wait-Where have you been vinny i've been trying to call you-" he starts but I shake my head and push his hands away from my face.
"Did you even hear what I just said ?" I ask him.

He grunts and shurgs before he puts hia arm over my shoulder lazily, looking over at Jinx who is just walking back to Cody and Preston.
My brother is a fucking idiot.
Zayne walks over , his fists clenched at his sides in a fight to keep his control.
This is bad.

Xavier's eyes meet Zayne and I can feel the tension.
It's as if they're sworn enemies even tho they haven't said a word.
Zayne finally reaches us , his eyes locked on Xavier.
"Get your hands off of my boyfriend." He all but growls.
Ofcourse Xavier takes it into challenge and he let's go of me before he steps closer and shoves Zayne's shoulder "what did you just say ?" Xavier snaps out.
Zayne only takes a step closer , they're toe to toe now and Zayne looks like he's about to lose his shit.

I step inbetween them and push Xavier back to create distance between them.
Xavier glares at me and Zayne scoffs and steps forward "stop it." I grit out as I give Zayne a look.
His eyes narrow at me in a silent question of wtf.
Now they're both looking at me as if I'm mental.

I groan. "Jesus you two are like fucking kids."
"I'm not." They both say at the exact same time and give eachother a glare after.
"Jesus fuck. Zayne this is Xavier. My brother." I finally say , motioning to Xavier.
Zayne looks at me as if I've just said the most ridiculous thing before it changes to a look of realisation as he looks at Xavier.
Xavier only scoffs.
They're silent after that for a few seconds.

The tension is gone and replaced by a deafening silence , then I turn to Xavier.
"And you. Lay your hands on my boyfriend again , I'll fucking kill you." I say calmly.
They both look at me.
I don't miss the slight chuckle coming from Zayne at my words.
Xavier glances at Zayne before he looks back at me and gives me a slight nod , clearly embarrassed. "Right.." he mutters.
I give them both a smile before I walk off to the others , we should go before my brother tries to get Jinx number or something.

When I get to them Jinx looks at me.
"So , you know him or did Zayne tell you to snatch him away from me ?" She asks raising her eyebrow clearly not amused by my little stunt.
"Cause let me tell you that guy could have bend-" she continues.
I roll my eyes and groan "that's my brother Jinx. So please spare me the details." I say.

Just a minute later Zayne joins us without Xavier , I look around and see him leaning over the bar talking to his friends.
I glance at Jinx , she's watching him.
I shake my head "don't even." I say as I grab her arm and drag her out of the bar , the others follow behind.
We end up pilling into Preston's car and he drives us home before he goes back to his house with Cody.

I take a quick shower while Zayne heats up some food for us.
When I get back to the bedroom he's waiting for me , plates on the bed.
I climb onto the bed.
He watches me "so.. your brother's gonna be fucking my sister now or what ?" He asks.
I scoff and before I can stop myself the words tumble out "you gonna be fucking his brother now or what ?" The words slips out , my eyes rush to his as my face heats up like a wildfire.


"Bold move vin." I say.
I grin as his face flushes even more.
"You-" I start but his hand quickly covers my mouth.
"No , no , no. Shut up. I didn't say shit ! shut up !" He rushes out in embarrassesment.
I push his hand away and he pouts , I can't help it when I burst out laughing.


2328 words.

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